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About me
Name | Gloops |
User since | March 5, 2007 |
Number of add-ons developed | 0 add-ons |
Average rating of developer's add-ons | Not yet rated |
My Reviews
Signal Spam
Rated 2 out of 5 stars
Il y a eu une petite période de baisse des spams, puis ça repart. Finalement, j'en viens à me dire que ce qui a fait baisser le nombre de spams a été le classement en indésirable, qui en soi a prouvé son efficacité.
Il est vrai que nous n'avons pas vu passer beaucoup d'informations sur les descentes de police dans les locaux des serveurs gênants, ni sur les arrestations de responsables.
Je n'ai jamais vu qu'on annonçait lutter contre les braquages de banques avec un envoi de mails dans une boîte mail automatisée. J'espère que ça ne va pas venir. J'espère aussi que nous n'allons plus voir un président de la république être scandalisé de sa propre inaction et être réélu après. Ses opposants "me la copieront". Pour être complet, il est vrai que si le piratage est d'origine russe, le moment n'est pas forcément le plus propice pour une action efficace.
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Ah mais voilà qui est génial, pour quand on doit créer un nouveau profil. Il faut réfléchir un peu à comment organiser ses dossiers, et ensuite ça doit être top. Je n'ai pas testé depuis un filtre, encore.
Savez-vous si l'équivalent existe pour les newsgroups ?
Dans une autre extension, bien sûr ;)
Rated 1 out of 5 stars
Well, useless.
The display of the smileys has not changed at all.
Copy Folder
Rated 1 out of 5 stars
Well I see you are busy upgrading your addon to the next version of Thunderbird.
On version 52 I still have the same problem. In my inbox I have got 592 messages, and unfortunately the extension has "successfully" copied 589 messages. So, the extension has created the folders tree, that is ok, but I have to delete the 589 messages, compact the target folder, and then eventually copy my 592 messages manually and verify them. Lost of time, lost of communication taxes, and I made a mistake and deleted a wrong folder, in the previous backup.
Do you think you can make your addon work ?
It is really a pain that those 589 messages were "successfully" copied. They take the place where I have to copy the 592.
And you never told me what the three remaining are, so the only solution is to delete what the extension has copied.
No Delete
Rated 1 out of 5 stars
I depressed Delete : the current message went to the basket (recycle bin) with no alert. So, I do not know what this extension does.
Sorry I do not speak Japanese.
Dictionary Switcher
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
The automatic recognition is far more handy than the dropdown list at the side of the Spelling button.
When you have time, if you can migrate it to Firefox Quantum ...
Not to forget : I learned in a forum that in recent versions of Thunderbird you have to go to the configuration editor, change "extensions.dictionary-switcher.autodetect" from false to true. It would be a good idea to write that in the documentation.
Maximize Message Pane
Rated 4 out of 5 stars
I use this extension for years, and it runs pretty good since yesterday (on Thunderbird 45.2.0, Windows XP).
The ability to add elements ids in the configuration to hide them is very nice.
Nevertheless, it is operational only once you say that you get the details about an element by Ctrl Shift (right click) on it, after installing DOM Inspector and Element Inspector.
I put this in that field :
Please pay attention : if you hide the button that puts the message text full screen, to get the normal zoom back you have to double click at the top border of the message.
A notice for people who used to open a message in a new tab by double clicking on it : Maximize Message Pane intercepts the double click, so if you want to display the message in a new tab, you have to ask it via the contextual menu (so, right click on the message, in the message list pane). Double click is the intuitive way to display a message full screen, with this extension this does not necessarily mean open it in a new tab.
Display Quota
Rated 3 out of 5 stars
Very useful for the two accounts I have with support of the quotas.
Just one thing : it is a pity you have to restart Thunderbird to free the status bar.
I regret that for most of my mail accounts the server does not support quotas, so for them I shall have to content myself of the display of the used size next to the folders.
One thing has to be said : the pop-up is no more a problem for a long time as you can choose if you want it or not.
Rated 1 out of 5 stars
Comment ça, vous ME les rappelez vos dates importantes ?
En quoi ça vous regarde ?
Message Notes Plus
Rated 4 out of 5 stars
Very handy, thank you.
Should you plan a next version, I see two directions, provided this does not restrict the performances of Thunderbird : display the note as a tooltip from the icon in the list ; propose to attach a note to a part of a mail (imagine you received a list of ads, you could want to remember which ones you answered to).
Notepad (QuickFox)
Rated 1 out of 5 stars
I searched an extension to add notes to a mail. I saw a notes taking extension that is compatible with Thunderbird, so I thought is was that, unless this was not said.
In fact no, the notes that are shown are quite independent from the mail that is displayed. Sorry for my matching notions together.
Sorry for the site claiming for an appreciation, I have no appreciation to provide as I mistakenly understood what the matter was.
Rated 4 out of 5 stars
(I wonder whether this will come at the following of what I already said, that had an answer ...)
Oh well, version 0.10.4a3 seems to work fine, thanks (but please read all this before installing). (Thunderbird 11, Firefox 10, Windows XP Home SP3)
Except ... in Firefox I now only have NoScript and InfoLister, whereas beforewards I had more than a dozen extensions :)
I shall see if can catch that back with a backup.
No problem seen in Thunderbird.
- -
Well, here is an update : fortunately, Firefox makes regularly a copy of prefs.js, with a number after the name : prefs-1js, prefs-2.js ... Open prefs.js in the notepad, copy the line that concerns infolister, close the file, rename it. Find a recent version, rename it prefs.js, open it with notepad, paste the line with infolister in it. Save the file. That should run fine. Thank you to help your neighbour with that ;)
I had no problem with Thunderbird. In case that was just a question of chance, I should recommend to do a copy of its prefs.js before installing infolister. You can also verify you have a copy of it for Firefox.
I presume you guess that before opening prefs.js, you are supposed to close the relevant software (Thunderbird or Firefox).
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
You know, Thunderbird and Firefox have a big problem : they are constantly providing new versions.
Do you think a way to list extensions for Thunderbird 11 is planned ? If you work on it, do you think during that time it can become compatible with Thunderbird 12 ?
Rated 4 out of 5 stars
Version 0.2.23 works very nice (I particularly use keyboard shortcuts to folders), provided I always refuse updates, as I never could get the following versions work.
Here is the information about my Thunderbird :
Thunderbird version 3.0.3
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.1; fr; rv: Gecko/20081209 Thunderbird/ Mnenhy/
(some other extensions are installed)
(Windows is XP home SP3)
Mailbox Alert
Rated 4 out of 5 stars
This is a nice extension, but I should say as isampson, and emphasize more as time goes : we receive more and more spam, and happily Thunderbird has very efficient filters against them. Therefore, this extension will be useful again, only when it acts AFTER the spam filters, and not BEFORE as it does as for now. Until then, we here a sound telling we received a mail, and we do not react as we think it is a spam.
(did not find how to place this where it should be)
Answering FlyingT
>I hope I am understanding gloops problem right, but if you set spam filter to dump the bad >mail into other than inbox folder and set inbox folder alert only using this, then you >should be able to avoid getting spam alerts.
>That's what I did exactly and I am happy as clams!
>No more false alarms. Well it does change the icon of T-bird which says there is msg, but >that's default behavior. I do not get a pop up box or sound. That's good enough for me.
I should appreciate a lot to do this.
Could you give me a few clues ? Does it impact another extension ?
This is what happens on my machine :
- the spam is received in "Inbox"
- the alert (specific to "Inbox") is played
- the spam is transfered to "junk emails" by the spam filter
- the alert is not cancelled, I DID hear it and I am in front of the screen whereas I should not, and I see there is no new mail
- the general alert for the mail account has NEVER been played, only the one specific to Inbox, theoretically meaning "Inbox with no spams as they were excluded by the filter", and in fact appearing to be "Inbox first including spam, but these are excluded once you are extracted from where you were and arrive to see you came for nothing". This is rather long for a folder name, is not it ?
I regret that the development team has chosen not to be joinable, as the critics section is not planned to be a forum.
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