Custom Buttons² Version History

31 versions

Be careful with old versions!

These versions are displayed for reference and testing purposes. You should always use the latest version of an add-on.

Version 3.1.0 245.0 KiB Works with Firefox 2.0a1 - 56.*, Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.1a1pre

Add new images to the extension, by ploksky (Thanks!).
Bump for latest version of :tb3:
Works with Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.1a1pre
View other versions

Version 3.0.1 245.0 KiB Works with Firefox 2.0a1 - 3.7a1pre, Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.1a1pre

Version 3.0.1
Added - Optional opacity argument to ButtonBrt & ButtonDim methods..
Works with Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.1a1pre
View other versions

Version 3.0.0 205.0 KiB Works with Firefox 2.0a1 - 3.6a1pre, Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.0b3pre

Version 3.0.0
Bump Version for Add-ons release.
Added - Check to dump a message if the version check fails.
Added - test for a period in the prefId within the normalizePrefId method
Added - event arg to homepage function that menuitem now responds to a middle click
Added - arg bRoot to isPref and setPref methods. When true the supplied prefId will be considered as a root pref.
Removed - Ctrl+Left Mouse click to call Middle click function till transition has expired alertSlide remains..
Bug Fix - Editor referencing an array vs an object.
Bug Fix - Russian line comment in codeeditor.xml causing a malformed error.
Re-Mapped - Ctrl+Left Mouse click to call Middle click function.
Deprecated - Ctrl+Left Mouse click function.
Works with Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.0b3pre
View other versions

Version 211.0 KiB Works with Firefox 2.0a1 - 3.6a1pre, Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.0b3pre

Version 2009-02-26 215 KB
Bump Version for Add-ons release.
Added - Dump Method to log Messages to the Console
Added - selectBox Method to allow button Authors a non menu way to make a selection
Updated - Forun Signature listener to the new element ID
Updated - sCB2Homepage to correct new default button hamepage
Bug Fix - Backup Custom Buttons button style bug duplicate declaration of color variables.
Bug Fix - Backup Custom Buttons button style bug in the credits prevented altering font color.
Bug Fix - Disable selected context menu items not disabling correctlyVersion 2009-02-16 192 KB
Updated - Regular Exression to detect the correct to target for inserting the current Custom Buttons² version.
Bug Fix - sOvrlyCB2ExtName - close quote in the wrong place - moved.
Added - selectBox method Syntax is: custombuttons.selectBox( sTitle, sPrompt, nListLength, aList[, oSelect] )
Added - Backup Custom Buttons button as custombuttons-button00
Works with Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.0b3pre
View other versions

Version 186.0 KiB Works with Firefox 2.0a1 - 3.6a1pre, Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.0b2pre

Version 2009-02-11 192 KB
Bump Version for Add-ons release.
Version 2009-02-09 191 KB
Updated - Import a Button²
Version 2009-02-04 191 KB
Modified - Editor.js, Cb2_overlay.js and to programatically produce the ² character appended to Custom Buttons.
Bug Fix - Found and fixed small bug in button link where Windows added a %0D to the linefeed making the link differ between OS's
Added - toggle function Syntax is: custombuttons.toggle( bVar[, bState] )
Works with Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.0b2pre
View other versions

Version 230.0 KiB Works with Firefox 2.0a1 - 3.6a1pre, Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.0b2pre

Version 2009-02-01 191 KB
Bump Version for Add-ons release.
Modified - Delete is now MiddleDoubleClick+ctrl+alt+shift. A little more difficult by design.
Added - Edit is LeftDoubleClick+ctrl+alt+shift
Added - Copy custombutton link to Clipboard is RightDoubleClick+ctrl+alt+shift. This will popup the context but the link will make it to the clipboard.
Bug Fix - getPref not passing default value for requested pref.
Bug Fix - Error thrown on button remove in this.App due to Fx3 not having toolbarbuttons in the toolbar palette
Added - DoubleClick with ctrl+alt+shift to remove the target button
Added - safe pref to force the DoubleClick kill button to ask for confirmation.
Added - Formal support for Sunbird version 1.0pre.
Works with Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.0b2pre
View other versions

Version 184.0 KiB Works with Firefox 2.0a1 - 3.6a1pre, Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.0b2pre

Version 2009-01-23 189 KB
Bump Version for Add-ons release.
Bug Fix - Repeated version updates or install events firing with out a new update.
Removed - Prompt to delete all custombutton data, till strings can be localized.
Bug Fix - Fixed regression in bookmark button now works again in Fx2.0.0.20
Bug Fix - Re-engineered the shutdown detection to utilize an observer eliminating an endless script error.
Added - FUEL support
Added - support for FUEL like calling syntax compatible with Fx2
Bug Fix - isPref & clearPrefs functions that had bad code.
Added - observer to observe extension events so we can react to disable/uninstall/cancel events
Completed - firstRun development
Added - Shutdown processing to set the environment to support hoped for re-try
Added - Ctrl+s support in the button code/Help fields (Saves the mods like Apply)
Regression - In Thunderbird and Fx 2 the find feature in the code editor places the selection out of view. Mozilla's methods differ between these versions.
Bug Fix - removed bad function call in clearPrefs method.
Bug Fix - Custom Buttons² version failed to display in firstRun slide
Modified - code editor to NOT wrap lines. This was causing issues with find due to wrapped text.
Improved - codeeditor.xml to consistantly display the found selection within the visible area of the edit window.
Added - Support for First Run detection whenever any different version of the Extension is insatlled
Added - FUEL capability for prefs handling.
Bug Fix - Cleaned up the radio and check box dialog file handling
Changed - writeFile to writeFileObj to resolve a naming conflict (2 methods with identical names)
Changed - createDir method to createSubDir and modified its code to more clearly define its function
Added - cleanUp method to remove the files created to produce the xul files.
Added - Cb2AuthorAlert String to the string bundle
Bug Fix - Fx Ver 3.0.5 dropping deleted buttons to the toolbar palette.
Bug Fix - Fx and Tb Version 2.* removeButton method failed. Cb variable not scoped.
Bug Fix - ViewCodes Context always visible
Bug Fix - Regression in overlay.css messed up page tooltips.
Bug Fix - Thunderbird compose Unable to save or apply when adding/editing a button
Window enumerator providing a third window which fails to scope custombuttons
Bug Fix - Wrapper detect again working in Shredder so commented out code
re-instated in toolbarbutton.xml
Bug Fix - removeButton attempting to access the button in the palette fails in Fx3.
Moved - the palette code to the App object so we can alter behavior by application version
Added - Chinese (Simplified) and Portuguese (Brazilian) translations.
Bug Fix - Selection not showing inside the Editor visible window when searching.
Upped the Firefox Version compatibility to Fx Version 3.2.*
Works with Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.0b2pre
View other versions

Version 2.0.8 175.0 KiB Works with Firefox 2.0a1 - 3.6a1pre, Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.0b2pre

Version 2.0.8 2008-12-20 180 KB

Addons Release Version Should be compatable with Firefox ver. 3.1*
Bug Fix Corrected button slipt character regression due to character encoding.

Version 2008-12-17 180 KB

Bug Fix getCustombuttonNodes method Doubles the buttons early versions of FF.
Fixed the if statement to eliminate the dups.

Version 2008-12-13 180 KB

To accommodate TB 3.1 Shredder/3.0b2pre and beyond which which mess with
the Customize toolbar context menuitem I changed disabled to hidden and
used an if structure to differentiate earlier versions.

Added method to gather all our custombutton nodes in 1 method to slim down
the code size and centralize that process

Bug Fix FF version 3.1b3pre was throwing an error on an edit save/Apply due
to its not having a parentNode when re-initializing.
Added Custom Buttons version to the tooltip for button zero.

Version 2008-12-13 180 KB

To accommodate FF 3.1 Shiretoko/3.1b3pre and beyond which remove xul
objects from the palette when they are placed on a toolbar

Added method findButtonsOnBars which returns an array of Custonbutton XUL
objects so we can add those to the palette members to get the full set.
Bug Fix - Buttons on the toolbars not being saved to buttonsoverlay.xul
Modified method saveButtonsToProfile to gather the button objects residing
on the toolbars.
Bug Fix - Unable to edit, add, clone, install or update buttons
Modified getPaletteMember to also scan the toolbars if the custombutton
requested in not in the palette.
Bug Fix - Potential to duplicate custombutton ID's in the creation of a new
Modified min_button_number to properly register buttons on the toolbars
when missing from the palette
Bug Fix Potential memory leak from added listener with version
Added removeEventListener to the close method.

Version 2008-12-09 182 KB
Considerably cleaned up the code/documentation of the checkbox/radio dialog code.
This reduced file size by over 1 KB
Works with Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.0b2pre
View other versions

Version 181.0 KiB Works with Firefox 2.0a1 - 3.0.*, Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.0a1

Added more filtering to checkbox and radio dialogs to keep authors from sending data that breaks the dialog
Works with Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.0a1
View other versions

Version 183.0 KiB Works with Firefox 2.0a1 - 3.0.*, Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.0a1

# Made a fix to the last updated checkbox dialog. it was not checking for length on the vbox.
# Added New function: custombuttons.setToolbarGroup(this, "group-name"); this allows for multiple buttons to show as a set of buttons. Similar operation to that of the File, Edit, View, etc menus (they spring open/close as you go from one to the next)
# Added radio dialog - authors may now create dialogs that have radio buttons in them
# Fixed the bookmark button feature - this was a remnant of ff2, I am not sure how it got overlooked for so long (maybe the feature doesn't get used enough and needs to be removed eventually).
Works with Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.0a1
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Version 181.0 KiB Works with Firefox 2.0a1 - 3.0.*, Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.0a1

# Made some fixes to the checkbox dialog function.
# Made checkbox area scrollable (for larger content)
# Added a regular expression to remove any characters that won't parse properly in xul dialog
Works with Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.0a1
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Version 180.0 KiB Works with Firefox 2.0a1 - 3.0.*, Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.0a1

# Added a new function, custombuttons.checkboxDialog(); This functions allows an author to create a xul dialog that contains an array of checkboxes for marking preferences and such. It has many options for customization.
Works with Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.0a1
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Version 175.0 KiB Works with Firefox 2.0a1 - 3.0.*, Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.0a1

*Bump Version for Add-ons release.
*Fix for editor.js where selecting an image from the filepicker was always returning "thefile is undefined"
Works with Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.0a1
View other versions

Version 170.0 KiB Works with Firefox 2.0a1 - 3.0pre, Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.0a1

Version 2008-03-20 174 KB

Bump Version for Add-ons release.
Forum Update - Changed the BBCode tag Format due to a mod on the Forum.
Bug Fix Mouse handler not handling Menu-button correctly
Works with Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.0a1
View other versions

Version 170.0 KiB Works with Firefox 2.0a1 - 3.0b4pre, Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.0a1

Version 2008-02-27 173 KB

Bug Fix Added onStatus method to custombuttons.imageLoadListener in order to fix missing method errors.
Added support for maintaining custombuttons accross all instances of Firefox and Thunderbird
When there are multiple instances of Firefox running (Ctrl +n), adding, cloning, editing, updating, or deleting a button in any instance will in be applied to the other instances as well.
Bug Fix Added mw_buttonsoverlay.xul to address the different mail-toolbox in the messageWindow.xul
Added code to set the tooltip to setNewButtonParameters Method.
Added code to setNewButtonParameters Method to saveButtonsToProfile When they are modified/added
Works with Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.0a1
View other versions

Version 169.0 KiB Works with Firefox 2.0a1 - 3.0b4pre, Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.0a1

Bug Fix chrome.manifest Regression affecting some menu buttons.
Works with Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.0a1
View other versions

Version 2.0.7 169.0 KiB Works with Firefox 2.0a1 - 3.0b4pre, Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.0a1

Version 2.0.7 2008-02-15 173 KB

Bug Fix Editor stack not maintained. Now it properly reflects all open editor dialogs.
Customize... menu item is restored after all the Editor dialogs are closed.
Customize... menu item is not disabled for Add New Button.
Improved the getFirstLiveButton's execution speed. Thanks Anton
Added Toolbox Palette id property yo the Apps object for easy reference.
Added bNewState arg to calls to disable Customize... menuitem for better control.
Added Compose to the Apps object list.
Added code to remove oncommand when an onclick or ondblclick handler is present.
Modified the way buttons are cloned, modified, or created to work around Nightly build wrapper exception. The Customize... will no longer need to be disabled when a button is modified in FF v3*
Modified toolbarbutton.xml to prevent button initialization When the Customize... dialog is opened.
Modified the Editor to disable the Customize... menu option when the Editor dialog is open. The Customize... menu option is enabled when the Editor dialog is closed.
Bug Fix One Customize... menuitem not being controlled IN Thunderbird.
Bug Fix Right click Executing when button not initialized
Bug Fix Typo preventing Bookmark a button from working.
Changed the method used to update Import a Button. It is now supplied via a buttonsoverlay.xul
Modified the context menu listener to disable Edit, Delete, and Update for Import a Button as custombuttons-button0 only.
Made the double click handler the default Mouse Click handler
Updated gShowPopup to use the new popup method in Gecko 1.9
Bug Fix to clean up the context menu when a button is saved or deleted.
Added an App specific object for Minefield due to some gToolbox changes.
Folded Bookmark code into this change.
Bug Fix to correct for an exception if there is no tooltip pref present.
Added Feature to handle both clicks and Double clicks in the same button
Set two (2) handlers onclick and ondblclick.
Both pointing to custombuttons.gQuotD.mHandler
this.setAttribute( 'onclick', 'custombuttons.gQuotD.mHandler( event, this )' );
this.setAttribute( 'ondblclick', 'custombuttons.gQuotD.mHandler( event, this )' );
NOTE: the uppsecase D
Bug Fix to handle the removal of the label Attribute by a user
Bug Fix ToolTips not responding to change in prefs at Re-Start
Improved Error reporting
Bug Fix in the context menu object certain button ID combo's were not being handled correctly.
Improved code efficiency within deblecontextListener.
Improved button initializaton error reporting two (2) error messages sent to the console to better describe error location and the offending button.
The Initalization line No. is 520 more than the actual line in the button. (As reported in the first error instance.)
The Code line No. is 570 more than the actual line in the button.
Subtract these values to calculate the button line number.
Bug Fix editor.js fixed alert message to not depend on the extension for alert string.
Added readFile(fPath) and writeFile(fPath, sData) methods for basic file I/O
Added a clearPrefs(sPrefId) method which resets the pref to the default or it is removed at the next start.
Added alertSlide(sTitle, sString) method that produces an alert in the lower right of the browser.
Modified the cb-oncommand event handler method to eliminate using eval()
The Code Tab now has read and write access to the this scope and JS v1.7
let statements are now valid.
Added support for custombutton protocol within a mail message.
Added cb2XMLtemplate.xml that defines the XML link format
Modified the Add new Button default code to improve readability
Changed the onclick call to "custombuttons.gQuot.mHandler( event, this )"
"gQuot( event, this )" is thereby deprecated
This will avoid potential conflicts.
Modified the "Msg.aMsg(...)" calls to dynamically display translated alert info.
Added App name property (custombuttons.App.sName)
Modified the way button links are created to XML format.
Modified the prefs to achieve consistency ("extensions.custombuttons")
Added support for Thunderbird Message and Compose Windows
Bug Fix Issue writing buttonsoverlay.xul as [object Object].xul vs
buttonsoverlay.xul on browser close.
Works with Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.0a1
View other versions

Version 160.0 KiB Works with Firefox 2.0a1 - 3.0b3, Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.0a1

Version 2008-01-09 160 KB

Bug Fix Issue writing buttonsoverlay.xul as [object Object].xul vs
buttonsoverlay.xul on browser close.
Works with Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.0a1
View other versions

Version 160.0 KiB Works with Firefox 2.0a1 - 3.0b3, Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.0a1

Version 2008-01-09 162 KB

Bump Version for Add-ons release.
Added capability to decode and import the new button format produced by Custom Buttons version
Works with Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.0a1
View other versions

Version 160.0 KiB Works with Firefox 2.0a1 - 3.0b3, Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.0a1

Version 2008-01-08 162 KB

Bump Version for Add-ons release.
Added fr-FR translation
Updated Locales for completed translations.
Updated Polish, Slovak & Swedish Locales
Updated Links to support the new help system
Updated View Codes to support the new help system
Updated Import a Button
Added Tabs to the Options dialog
Localized the new strings.
Added Help Tab to the Edit dialog
It you need to specify more than 1 help element seperate them with
Added 2 tags for button help
will expand out to the button name.
will expand out to button ID number
Imbed them into the help test where appropriate.
Added Soft Tab Option to options Dialog
Localized those new strings.
Converted creatLinks to 2 space tabs
Localized new strings.
Added a Find feature to the edit dialog
Ctrl + f Initiates a new find.
F3 If no previous find process actl like Ctrl + f
If text is highlighted the next instance id found & highlighted
This process continues till the last instance is found,
then you are prompted to continue from the top or start a new find
Re-formatted code to 2 space indent vs hard tabs
Re-grouped functions & methods for a more logical flow to the reader.
Updated the Import a Button
Added the provision to edit and create buttons with Mozilla compliant
2 space indent style. Controlled by pref
extensions.custombuttons.editor.softTab [true = Soft]
Works with Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.0a1
View other versions

Version 151.0 KiB Works with Firefox 2.0a1 - 3.0b2, Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.0a1

Bug Fix Editor.dtd missing entity
Modified gBundleString to default missing strings to en-US
Added 2 strings in support of the new Batch Backup button.
Modified createLinks to support the new Batch Backup button.
Modified editor.js to ref custombuttons as Cb vs CB
.....and to provide access to custombuttons CONSTANTS
Moved hard-coded image to defaultImg() in Cb2_overlay.js
Works with Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.0a1
View other versions

Version 151.0 KiB Works with Firefox 2.0a1 - 3.0b2, Thunderbird 2.0 - 2.0.0.*

Bump Version for Add-ons release.
Bug Fix UNKNOWN USERAGENT in some Linux OS FireFox Apps.
Works with Thunderbird 2.0 - 2.0.0.*
View other versions

Version 148.0 KiB Works with Firefox 2.0a1 - 3.0b2, Thunderbird 2.0 - 2.0.0.*

Version 2007-11-29 152 KB

Bug Fix Vista Context menuitem rendering
Bug Fix to Auto replace missing locale strings with the English version.
Modified Editor and locales to display Button name in the edit Dialog.
Updated Locales to the latest
Bug Fix in getLocalString to catch exception for missing locale property
Bug Fix to improve extension update routines.
Updated Import a Button code to reflect new dependencies and prepare for
....... localization.
Modified Custom Buttons² to work in Thunderbird and Flock
Bug Fix Extension Init now installs Import a Button on clean Install
....... Update will only modify the Import a Button if it is,
....... in fact modified.
....... NOTE: In all versions the Import a Button button will not be
............. available until an additional Re-Start. The Customize...
............. Menu Item will remain disabled until an additional
............. Re-Start as well.
Modified the options Height to 73ex and made it available to translators.
Modified the method to detect FF version.
Updated FF max Version to 3.0.*
Modified all the CB context menu items called functions to accept a
........ button object as an arg so they can be utilized programatically.
Works with Thunderbird 2.0 - 2.0.0.*
View other versions

Version 134.0 KiB Works with Firefox 2.0a1 - 3.0a9

Version 2007-11-07 135 KB
Added Swedish Translation
Added Dutch Translation
Modified Import a Button to Update on an Extension Update
Added Import a Button as a hard coded custombutton-button0
Modified min_button_number to skip custombutton-button0
Bug Fix repaired several issues regarding toolbar decoration.

Version 126.0 KiB Works with Firefox 2.0a1 - 3.0a9

Version 2007-10-05 127 KB

Added bffmode property as boolean true = Minefield
Added code to invoke Places for bookmark button in Minefield
Added code to disable Customize... till re-start when installing buttons.
Bug Fix corrected variable typo.
Moved Add New Button menuitem placement script to Cb2_overlay.js
Added close method to close open edit dialogs on shutdown any new work
will be lost.
Added removeEventListeners to recover memory on browser shutdown.
Added code to hide the customize menu option once a button is
successfully added. Customize... returns on Re-Start.
Bug Fix Minefield dialog for install button missing button name.
Re-configured the "Button Successfully Installed" dialog.

Version 126.0 KiB Works with Firefox 2.0a1 - 3.0a9

Version 2007-09-29 126 KB

Modified the functions that split and create buttons to streamline code.
splitButtonURI Deprecated use oSplitButtonURI which on success
returns an object verses an array, on fail it returns false
Removed the Apply button from the Add New editor dialog
Modified the button installation method for Minefield to work around
the button install issue.

This version dedicated to the memory of Harold Casstvens co-author and dear friend.

Version 125.0 KiB Works with Firefox 2.0a1 - 2.0.0.*

Includes several updates and feature additions.

New Documentation is available at:
Version is intended for FireFox only and is not ready for Thunderbird
at this time. It was not our intension that this version be released as a TB
extension. We are working to make this extension work with TB in the near future.
Sorry for any inconvenience this might have caused.

Your comments and discussion points are important to our team and are quite welcome.

Enjoy & please leave comments.
Version 2007-09-24 125 KB

Re-configured to support JavaScript 1.7
buttonsoverlay.js removed
CbDeprecated.js Added
buttonsoverlay.xul removed un-used script statement.
Updated gClipboard to the process suggested my MDC.
Added Update Confirm Dialog and made others consistent
Updated - Hyperlink to add space between the image and the link.
Bug Fix - Button split loosing the /*Initialization Code*/ field.
Added User notification of the error encountered
Added Feature - Counter Object for author use in counting.
Added Feature - Debug output to the focused window.
custombuttons.gMyPrn( sStr );
Major Upgrade - Created a context menu object which will manage a second
Context menu as a sumbenu of the primary.
Bug Fix - Install button from web fails.
Modified CustomButtonProtocol.js to comply with my more rigid
testing specifications.
Added - Update Button to the Context menu.
[Copy the new link into the clipboard then select Update Button
in the target button's context menu.] The Name, Image, Code, &
Init code fields will be replaced. The button retains it's ID.
Bug Fix - In Save this Button.
(Missing closing curly brace)
Bug Fix - Bookmark this Button failed.
(Missing namespace identifier "this.").
Added comments for each Function, Method, and Object
Standardized most of the coding.
Added Default strings to set the code fields to at least the default
first comment.
Added option to pass a button to the createLinks method.
Streamlined code in bookmarkButton Method
Modified getNumber method to use replace vs substring.
Moved the mouse handler code into the custombuttons object The original
functions are still present and call the code in custombuttons obj.
Modified the createButton Method to honor the button ID pref

Updated homepage.
Added Alt Click functions.
Removed cButton from onclick event as redundant. is the same.
Added Default strings to set the code fields to at least the default
first comment.
Added Default strings to set the code fields to at least the default
first comment.
Updated homepage string.
Added Alt key strings.

Added an option to include the button ID # in the tooltip.

Version 118.0 KiB Works with Firefox 2.0a1 - 2.0.0.*

Version 2007-24-21 118 KB

Bump Version for Add-ons release.
Bug Fix typo rRret > rRet
Bug Fix Reversed the sequence for checking the button decode separator
Cleaned up the code for efficiency.
Bug Fix Menus graying on exit
Added code to skip adjusting opacity when the mouse is in a menu.
Added additional button seperator constants.

Version 118.0 KiB Works with Firefox 2.0a1 - 2.0.0.*

A cautionary NOTE:
The versions after Contain a bug that will under certain circumstances duplicate the button ID of a different button. So please take a screen shot of your browser with all toolbars displayed and also back up your buttons. Then install this version. You will find the stability of your toolbar elements improved. Once the duplicates are taken care of. You should not need to intervene, unless there are several dup ids.

This version incorporates several Bug Fixes and new features. The button split code is now changed so buttons saved with this version will be free of the array notation bug.

Version 125.0 KiB Works with Firefox 2.0a1 - 3.0a6

Custom Buttons² Changelog

Version June 7, 2007 124 KB

Bug: - Install Issues.
Fix: New Package created & tested more thoroughly.

Bug: - Browse for Image button broken, Clicking it did nothing.
Regression due to Localization process.
Fix: - Corrected missing reference.

Bug: - Minor - Double link produced in html doc produced by
"Save this Button" option in the Button Context Menu.
(I believe - normal behavior for html when alt image tag is used &
no image is present.)
Fix: Now the Default Image is inserted into the button Image field when
a new button is created. (Original Behavior option will still leave
the Image field empty as expected.)

Added Features:
Option to show/hide the Edit Dialog Apply Button.
Added "Add New Button" option to the Toolbar Context Menu
Added Custom Buttons² logo to "Add New Button" options in the context menus.
Changed Custom Buttons² logo.