Tomba : Email Finder 0.1.19
by Tomba Email finder
Data to power your entire business, with just one click.
About this Add-on
Tomba allows you to:
Find email addresses
Find company information
Check company social profiles
Check email pattern
Find emails for a specific job title
Find a specific person's email
The Confidence Score
Export the email addresses found in CSV
Tou can save in email by clicking the save as lead button
Who uses Tomba Email Finder
Sales professionals
Lead generation teams
Human resource professionals
Business executives, Business analysts & Marketing consultants
How to get started ?
First install the Tomba Thunderbird addons from the Thunderbird addons Web Store (click on "Download Now")
Go to any messages and click on the Tomba button in your upper right window
Tomba ensures that you have more:
Accurate information
Business opportunities
Join Tomba right now for a free plan and get 150 request every month!
Get up to 150 free credits when you sign up to test our tool!
Tomba has other useful tools, including, the Domain search, Email Finder , Email Verifier ,Bulk Domain search, Bulk Email Finder , Bulk Email Verifier
Email Finder permissions
"tabs" is using the browser.tabs API (getting bookmark links, creating new tabs with our link, reloading open pages of app.tomba.io)
"https://*/" access to all sites to get page content (alternative to all_urls)
"messagesRead" access to message and get author domain to check
"storage" to store the user apikey and secret to start using it
Tomba is really easy to install and work with.
here are huge efforts made by Tomba team behind Email Finder.
We hope you will enjoy the app and would like to encourage you to express your thoughts and let us know about any issues via the website chat window or on contact@tomba.io
Tomba's general terms and conditions: https://tomba.io/terms-of-service
Tomba's privacy policy: https://tomba.io/privacy-policy