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eCleaner 1.4.1-signed.1-let-fixed.1-signed Requires Restart
by flasresizerdeveloper
Clears preferences left by extensions after uninstallation
About this Add-on
To do this, go to the list of add-ons and locate eCleaner, open his Options window and you'll be presented with a list of saved preferences by extension, and their corresponding number of stored values. Select the extensions which you no longer have installed and click the "Clear Selected" button. Volia! garbage erased :-)
You can select multiple extensions at a time, use CTRL+LMB or SHIFT+LMB, you know.
Please note, this is a preliminary first version, with the basic feature of cleaning preferences on a quick way, more advanced features will come later if there is interest from most of you, your feedback and reviews will decide that.