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MR Tech Link Wrapper Requires Restart
by mrtech
Wraps long links and lines to spare you from having to scroll left and right...
About this Add-on
Here are some features:
- Statusbar notification of: enabled, disabled, character limit reached or blacklisted sites
- Clicking statusbar icon will yield opposite of current setting, so you can effectively:
* turn wrapping off and only click it when you need it temporarily or
* leave it on and when you want to see a sight in long line mode just click it and it will display as-is temporarily or
* if enabled and you hit either the character limit or blacklist you can click it to temporarily allow link wrapping.
- Draggable statusbar icon to any position you want on the statusbar
- Option to hide statusbar icon and hide tools menu "options" menu item
- Full customization of all current hidden settings
- Full option dialog with all the bells and whistles, export, import, reset preferences
- Increased default character limit to 30k characters
If Link Wrapper doesn't appear to work for you can:
- some blog site will break with this extension just add the domain to the "Sites to ignore" list in the options
- bump the limit of character to something higher than 30000 in the options dialog
- if you experience slow downs on large pages, enabling the character limit in the options dialog.
Note: Link Wrapper will force Linkification to only highlight part of a text link, version 1.2.2 and newer of Linkification adds a "Thorough Mode" which is disabled by default, enabling it will resolve this, or you can just double-click on the unhighlighted text on the right of the text from a link to have it open properly.
For tech support with this extension please visit:
To test Link Wrapper visit this page before and then after install the extension:
Link Wrapper Lite (6k) can be downloaded here: