Reviews for DownThemAll! by khlinux
Rated 4 out of 5 stars
6- Providing a shortcut for the issues: "Add Chunk" and "Remove Chunk".
This review is for a previous version of the add-on ( 4 out of 5 stars
(Sorry if there're English mistakes)
I'm sure that this great add-one can be more improved!
Here's some good suggestions, please take care (O you who develop it):
1- Enabling auto-completion of target directory names, using tab like in the console of linux (for example). That is really very helpful !
2- Enabling an easy and useful technique of research in the manager.
3- Enabling the ability to choose a common and fixed directory for dta OneClick downloads.
4- In the window ‘Select links’, providing the ability to delete the "renaming tags" added manually by the user.
5- Why not being able to specify a directory for One-Click's downloaded files from chosen site or sites in the preferences ?
6- Providing shortcuts for the issues: "Add Chunk" and "Remove Chunk",the manager,the preferences...etc
7- Adding a column (in the manager) for showing the saving directories of files.
8- In the "Context menu"→"Delete": Providing the option of deleting the files going to a specified directory.
Please advert me if some of these suggestions is ready to be done for the next version, to be more influenced by your positivity and reaction, so I can be encouraged to act more in the world of open-source softwares and extensions.
Thanks a lot
Good luck
Rated 4 out of 5 stars
La sélection libre des fichers téléchargés n'est pas disponible!
This review is for a previous version of the add-on ( create your own collections, you must have a Mozilla Add-ons account.