Rated 1 out of 5 stars

The old Forecastfox = 10 stars
The new Forecastfox = 0

This new version is deliberately crippled crapware. People like CosmoCarter should learn a thing or two about the topic before posting their gibbering nonsense and belittling others.

This review is for a previous version of the add-on ( 

Rated 1 out of 5 stars

@CosmoCarter. It's you who should STFU.

It's Jacka****s like you who tell anyone who disagrees with you to STFU that lead to retarded programs like this being wheeled out by the devs.

It's NOT that we "whiners" find this program difficult to use. Far from it. Have you actually used the original program? Have you seen how flexible and versatile the original is? If you have used the original program to its full potential, than you'd realize that this crappy upgrade is in fact a major downgrade. This is crippleware. The reason so many are complaining is not that we're having trouble using the interface you imbecelic douche bag. It's because the interface has been dumbed down to fit the IQ of a typical retarded moron like yourself. 5 Stars?! It deserves 0 (Zero). Or better yet a Minus 10. Idiot.

This review is for a previous version of the add-on ( 

Rated 1 out of 5 stars

I have used Forecastfox for ages because it was simply the best in terms of customizability and the astonishing level of data that can be presented in a concise pop-up format. This new version removes all the customizability and in-depth meteorological data and instead gives us a dumbed down version with fancy graphics.

What I'm most furious about is that all my personal customizations were removed without any warning.

At least give us faithful long-time users the old manual customization panel with the ability to add in whatever data we want and to have that data presented exactly how we want. The only people who will like this new version are those who do not customize their add-on beyond the default settings. After living with it for 2 days, I had to remove this garbage and reinstall the older version of Forecastfox and rewrite all my personal preferences again from scratch. Arghh.

This review is for a previous version of the add-on (