My Favorite Add-ons
by marcel johnson
About this Collection
No matter the FF version used, these add-ons are primary~ :)
27 Add-ons in this Collection
by netvideohunter
36 users
This add-on is a downloader that lets you easily download videos from sites like Youtube, Facebook, Metacafe, Dailymotion, Break, VKontakte and music for example from SoundCloud, Grooveshark and from many other sites...
Element Hiding Helper for Adblock Plus
by Felix Dahlke
248 users
Fight the text ads! Element Hiding Helper is a companion extension for Adblock Plus meant to make creating element hiding rules easier.
Session Manager
by Michael Kraft
147 users
Session Manager saves and restores the state of all or some windows - either when you want it or automatically at startup and after crashes. It can also automatically save the state of open windows individually.
Thumbnail Zoom Plus
by David Adler
3 users
Shows full image when you hover over a thumbnail. Works with Amazon, Baidu Images, Bing Images, Facebook, Flickr, Google+, Google Images, IMDb, LinkedIn, Netflix, Pinterest, Reddit, Twitter, Yandex, YouTube, Wikipedia, Yahoo Images, & many more.
Google Docs Viewer (PDF, DOCX, PPTX, XLSX, etc...)
by Adon
17 users
View publicly-accessible PDF, DOCX, PPTX, XLSX, among other files online with Google Docs by only 2 clicks. Click as usual for your default viewer. Support bookmarked URLs. Security and your explicit viewing intention are always honored.
by Erik Vold, Nils Maier, others
10 users
The greatest user script engine on the Internet (a fork of Greasemonkey).
Add-ons Manager Context Menu
by Zulkarnain K.
25 users
Add more items to Add-ons Manager context menu.
Browser Backgrounds
by Baris Derin
1 user
Browser Backgrounds is the new Firefox extension that lets you install backgrounds directly on your browser.
Eccellio Science - Search Engine
by Info Eccellio
47 weekly downloads
Eccellio Science is fully dedicated to students and researchers that want to obtain fresh results and are very focused on Science matters. Not just Wikipedia as it often happen, but accredited and specialized websites. Enjoy Eccellio Science!
No More Install Delay
by trlkly
2 users
UPDATE: XPI delay has been removed in Firefox 40!
Disable the install delay in Firefox. New 2.0 version now includes GreaseMonkey scripts!
Unlike similar addons, this works on Firefox 4 and beyond.
About Add-ons
by RealityRipple
8 users
Adds an About button to extensions, themes, and languages in the Add-ons list.
Version in Add-on bar
by kaiengert
6 users
Show the Firefox/Thunderbird version number in the addon bar (formerly called status bar).
What are Collections?
Collections are groups of related add-ons that anyone can create and share.
Explore CollectionsTo create your own collections, you must have a Mozilla Add-ons account.