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AdWords OK 1.1.1-signed.1-signed Requires Restart
by eventax Suchmaschinen-Institut
Google Adwords Statistical Relevance View Expansion: Don't make decisions on average values. AdWords-OK expands your AdWords statistics by min and max-values. Your values will stay in the longterm with a probability of over 95% between this values.
About this Add-on
Don't base decisions on the average values presented by Google AdWords. AdWords-OK expands your AdWords CTR, Conv.-Rate and Cost per Conversion by min and max-values. Min and max-values are this values where the displayed value will stay between in the longterm with a probability of over 95%.
This module was developed by German SEM company eventax - Suchmaschinen-Institut.
There is short video introduction video available at:
After installation you have a button at the bottom of your website called "AdWords OK".
Go to your adwords statistic, ads, keywords or whatever you like. Press this button to get the detailed values.
This module should work with the English and German version of Google AdWords
It would be great to get your feedback for further improvements.
Matthias Jaekle
eventax GmbH