Langlang Chinese web shopping Prices Comparison 20090703
by red_vee
Langlang Chinese web shopping Prices Comparison (www.langlang.cc) Search engine
About this Add-on
Langlang web shopping Prices Comparison in China
This web site now support the prices infomation from Amazon China, Dangdang, 2688 Web shop, 99 Readers' club, Wellan Web shop, xinhuabookstore.com ...
Notices for Non-Chinese operating environment User:
This searching plug-in's web site need basic Chinese operating environment (see *) to work, so it can't work properly in totally English environment.
*The basic Chinese operating environment's requirement:
1. You should install one CJK font or one Chinese font (some one like songti|宋体) in your computer.
2. Your web browser need to install GB2312 character encoding
This web site now support the prices infomation from Amazon China, Dangdang, 2688 Web shop, 99 Readers' club, Wellan Web shop, xinhuabookstore.com ...
Notices for Non-Chinese operating environment User:
This searching plug-in's web site need basic Chinese operating environment (see *) to work, so it can't work properly in totally English environment.
*The basic Chinese operating environment's requirement:
1. You should install one CJK font or one Chinese font (some one like songti|宋体) in your computer.
2. Your web browser need to install GB2312 character encoding