Interface Customizations
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Flexible Sidebar
Flexible Sidebar allows to change sidebar width by dragging the handles.
Restart Application Button
Restart Application Button lets you restart your Firefox and SeaMonkey application by a quick toolbar button click.
Requires Restart
NiceReader is designed for web reading. You can customize font, color, size, background, specify the elements to read, filiter ad elements, filiter ad strings, automaticaly turn page.
Tab Wheel Scroll
Switch tabs by scrolling with the mouse wheel in the tab bar.
YouTube Video Player Pop Out
YouTube Video Player Pop Out lets you pop out YouTube videos so that you can watch YouTube videos while you surf.
SeaMonkey Vertical Tab Bar
Requires Restart
Tab bar on the side of the window for SeaMonkey.
YouTube Anywhere Player
Watch videos anywhere in cinema mode without leaving the website you're on.
Requires Restart
Safari-like icons in the URL, search and find fields to clear their contents.
A full featured color selector tool, to work with colors, and easily find the colors you want.
See more search results etc. on one page, concatenating several pages together...
Shift+LeftClick XUL
Requires Restart
This simple addon has only this functionality, nothing else: it opens links in a new active tab with Shift+LeftClick (left mouse button click).
Better use for FireFox.
Customizations for Adblock Plus
This extension provides various customization options for the Adblock Plus user interface.
Requires Restart
A system tray extension for Linux and Windows, allowing to set up custom icon, hiding to tray instead of closing, display the number of unread messages in mailing applications, and other features ...
Requires Restart
Adds a toolbar button and keyboard shortcut to switch between the default page colors and user-defined colors.
Firefox shortcut: Control-Shift-C
SeaMonkey shortcut: Control-K
Custom Buttons
Requires Restart
Gives a possibility to create custom toolbarbuttons...
To create your own collections, you must have a Mozilla Add-ons account.