Dictionary for recipient Version History

15 versions

Be careful with old versions!

These versions are displayed for reference and testing purposes. You should always use the latest version of an add-on.

Version 2.4.0 4.2 KiB Works with Thunderbird 128.0 - 128.*

Changes for TB 128.
  • Source code released under None

Version 2.3.2 4.2 KiB Works with Thunderbird 102.0 - 115.*

Compatibility for TB 115.
  • Source code released under None

Version 2.3.1 4.2 KiB Works with Thunderbird 78.0a1 - 115.*

Made it work for custom properties added in Thunderbird 102 (new vCard custom properties). This version also makes setting the dictionary more robust. Before it didn't always work on slow hardware and/on on replies.
  • Source code released under None

Version 2.2.0 3.9 KiB Works with Thunderbird 78.0a1 - 102.*

Adjusted to work with TB 102.
  • Source code released under None

Version 2.1.0 3.8 KiB Works with Thunderbird 78.0a1 - 102.*

Minor internal change to cater for Thunderbird beta changes.
  • Source code released under None

Version 2.0.5 3.8 KiB Works with Thunderbird 68.0a1 - 102.0

No change.
  • Source code released under None

Version 2.0.4 3.8 KiB Works with Thunderbird 68.0a1 - 91.*

Compatibility with TB 91.
  • Source code released under None

Version 2.0.3 3.8 KiB Works with Thunderbird 68.0a1 - 91.*

Changed license to "All Rights Reserved".
  • Source code released under None

Version 2.0.2 3.8 KiB Works with Thunderbird 68.0a1 - 91.*

  • Source code released under None

Version 2.0.1 3.7 KiB Works with Thunderbird 68.0a1 - 91.*

Version 2.0.0 3.8 KiB Works with Thunderbird 68.0a1 - 91.*

Version 1.0.4 3.2 KiB Works with Thunderbird 68.0a1 - 73.*

Version 1.0.3 3.8 KiB Works with SeaMonkey 2.38 - 2.57.*, Thunderbird 38.0 - 60.*

No change, just updated compatibility to Thunderbird 60

Version 1.0.2 3.5 KiB Works with SeaMonkey 2.38 - 2.46.*, Thunderbird 38.0 - 49.*

Now working for SeaMonkey from version 2.38.

Version 1.0.1 3.5 KiB Works with Thunderbird 38.0 - 38.*

Make it work reliably when replying to an e-mail.