Rated 1 out of 5 stars

Sorry, it still does make nothing. It's activated, but doen't show anything by hovering over flickr or facebook tabs. (FF 25.0.1)
----------- edit ----------------
hmmm... seems that's something with my configuration. The preferences are ok (nothing changend of the default values), nothing happend. Re-installing: no fix.Now I tried the v2.5, but it's the same issue. Deactivating of all other addons: It still does nothing. Any further idea?

This review is for a previous version of the add-on (2.6.1-signed). 

In Thumbnail Zoom Plus preferences, make sure "Enable" is on and "Key to" is set to "display" rather than "not display". Also make sure the checkboxes for Flickr and Facebook are on.

If that doesn't help, you could try removing and then re-adding Thumbnail Zoom Plus.