Rated 1 out of 5 stars

I donated a few years ago because I found this add-on quite nice.
But ... since the very first update, I've only run into problems with the loss of all my datas with each update.
So I am fed up, I stop with Reminder!
J'ai fait un don il y a quelques années parce que je trouvais cette extension très sympa.
Mais... depuis la toute première mise à jour, je n'ai fait que rencontrer des problèmes dont la perte de toutes mes données à chaque mise à jour.
Alors ras-le-bol, j'arrête tout !

This review is for a previous version of the add-on ( 

Sorry for the problems! This might have been an issue with the particular localized version of the add-on. I personally verified that the latest version works properly with the French locale. In any case, sorry to see you go, but I do appreciate your feedback and support through the years.

Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Hello Tom
Yes! Finally! Strange but I had not the slightest problem with the version 2.1.1 !!!
Anyway I am so pleased to have recover all my notes...
Many thanks. Dominique

This review is for a previous version of the add-on ( 

Rated 1 out of 5 stars

I have never left a comment for the version 2.1.1 as indicated more low, but good for the version 2.1.2. I use ReminderFox for already 3 or 4 years. There was a whole lot of very good updates. But with this last update, I lost all my dates of birthday, all my appointments among others with doctors, all the events important for me and that I had noted. Thank you thus not to modify my comment which concerns well the version 2.1.2. As I am french and don't know very well English, I write now my comment in french !

Je n'ai jamais laissé de commentaire pour la version 2.1.1 comme indiqué plus bas, mais bien pour la version 2.1.2. J'utilise ReminderFox depuis déjà 3 ou 4 ans. Il y a eu tout un tas de très bonnes mises à jour. Mais avec cette dernière mise à jour, j'ai perdu toutes mes dates d'anniversaire, tous mes rendez-vous entre autres avec des docteurs, tous les évènements importants pour moi et que j'avais notés. Merci donc de ne pas modifier mon commentaire qui concerne bien la version 2.1.2. C'était beaucoup plus facile à écrire en Français !!!

This review is for a previous version of the add-on ( 

Hello. Very sorry to hear about the problems! There was a timing issue in the 2.1.1 update that caused issues with some users unfortunately. It was corrected in 2.1.2. There's also an option in the ReminderFox options -> File tab to Recover From Backup that may restore your lost reminders. I hope that works for you. Again, sincere apologies for the troubles!

Rated 1 out of 5 stars

Adepte de Reminderfox depuis des années (et contributrice pour le compte de Tom Mutdosch), j'ai perdu toutes mes entrées (rendez-vous, anniversaires, etc) avec cette mise à jour. Je suis dégoûtée !

Follower of Reminderfox for years (and contributor for Tom Mutdosch), I lost all my entries (appointments, birthdays, etc.) with this last update. I am disgusted!

This review is for a previous version of the add-on (