Movie Central™ Search 20120705
by CaptainCanuck
Search Movie Central™'s (www.moviecentral.ca) schedule for specific movies with this unofficial search tool.
About this Add-on
Search Movie Central™'s (www.moviecentral.ca) scheduled lineup for specific movies with this unofficial search tool. Find out when your favourite movies will be airing on television (MC1, MC2, MC3, MCHD, HBO Canada and HBO Canada HD) without using your satellite receiver's/cable provider's on-screen guide.
Search criteria can be movie titles, actors, directors, MPAA ratings, running times and even character names. For example a search for 'Batman' may reveal the movies Batman (from 1989), Batman Returns (1992), Batman Forever (1995), Batman & Robin (1997), Batman Begins (2005), and The Dark Knight (2008) -- even though 'Batman' does not appear in that last title.
From their website:
Movie Central is the number-one movie service providing affordable, first-run, uncut, commercial-free Hollywood blockbuster movies, plus exclusive access to the best HBO, Showtime and original production series. Available in Western Canada.
Search criteria can be movie titles, actors, directors, MPAA ratings, running times and even character names. For example a search for 'Batman' may reveal the movies Batman (from 1989), Batman Returns (1992), Batman Forever (1995), Batman & Robin (1997), Batman Begins (2005), and The Dark Knight (2008) -- even though 'Batman' does not appear in that last title.
From their website:
Movie Central is the number-one movie service providing affordable, first-run, uncut, commercial-free Hollywood blockbuster movies, plus exclusive access to the best HBO, Showtime and original production series. Available in Western Canada.