Rated 1 out of 5 stars

I subscribed to this add-on back in 2019, and it worked perfectly for me until a few days ago when I suddenly stopped being able to receive or send emails. I can't even access the messages I already have in my inbox or sent folder.

I reported this situation to the developer, providing logs, screenshots, and other details, but I have received no response. Today, I sent another email requesting information on the refund methods for the payment made for the year 2025.

I hope to receive a response, although my expectations are quite low at this point.

It's truly a shame, honestly.

This review is for a previous version of the add-on (128.1). 

Hi Tyroloco, there was no update for Exquilla, so there must have been a change on your mail server that broke things.

Sorry that our support didn't respond in time. I will check what's going on.