Rated 5 out of 5 stars


That's pretty much all I can say about this add-on.

As well as two personal emails, I also manage a Scout group email address. Also, I run a home-based business which requires me to do some serious order management and communicate with both my factory and my customers. I use this plugin in conjunction with ThunderBrowse, along with a customer management site/app I wrote.

The fact that I had an issue with the plugin not passing subject lines to the email was a major problem for me. I dropped the developer an email asking if they knew about it, and if they would be able to fix it. He did, and passed me the latest greatest version to make sure it did what I needed it to.

The way I'm set up, this add-on is worth WAY more that $1.99 'Suggested Contribution' to me. I could only spare $10, but I wish it could have been $20, or more. Functional, efficient, clean, and well supported.

Why isn't EVERYTHING on the Internet like this?

This review is for a previous version of the add-on (1.3).