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CloseLightning Nightly Updater (Unofficial) Version History
19 versions
Be careful with old versions!
These versions are displayed for reference and testing purposes. You should always use the latest version of an add-on.
Version 0.11.110714
- Source code released under Mozilla Public License Version 1.1
Version 0.10.100315
- Source code released under Mozilla Public License Version 1.1
Version 0.10.100228
- Source code released under Mozilla Public License Version 1.1
Version 0.10.100110
* German translation (thanks Alexander Kriegisch).
- Source code released under Mozilla Public License Version 1.1
Version 0.9.090618
- Source code released under Mozilla Public License Version 1.1
Version 0.9.081202
Version 0.9.081002
* Fixed comm-central/win32 location (thanks Pascal)
* Download from latest-comm-central instead of latest-trunk (thanks Daniel and Sachin)
* Include build ID in backup filename (thanks Klint)
* Relaxed the respin detector a little.
Version 0.9.080928
* Fixed comm-central/win32 location
Ver. 0.8 (20080928)
* Download from latest-comm-central instead of latest-trunk
* Include build ID in backup filename
* Relaxed the respin detector a little.
Version 0.8.080928
* Include build ID in backup filename
* Relaxed the respin detector a little.
Version 0.8.080824
Version 0.7.080325
* No longer default to Linux when the OS is not found among the supported ones. Please let me know if you happened to use the Linux Lightning on another OS
* Minor changes in the French locale.
Version 0.6.080322
Version 0.5.080209
Version 0.5.070817
* Now only shows the Install button if either Lighting is not installed or its build date and hour (respin) differ from the one on the FTP
* Added (back) the option to just open the FTP folder (see settings)
* Commented out the custom update location in install.rdf
* Minor code changes.
Version 0.4.070816
* Pref dialog to choose between regular vanilla and wcap flavors
* Added menu item access key (L)
* Removed Fx support since Lightning no longer supports Fx. I'm thinking of supporting Seamonkey trunk in future versions though
* Removed Tb 1.5 support since current Lightning nightlies are supposed to run under Tb versions 2 and up (AFAIK)
* Removed one menu item and reworded the other one
* Edited install.rdf (new site and update.rdf urls)
* Put all globals into an object, which should prevent collisions with other add-ons.
Version 0.3.20070328
* Altered the French locale, with the help of Pascal C. from #frenchmoz
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