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Google_仅中文搜索结果 20130419
by 江3如此多娇
This add-on has been marked as experimental by its developers
About this Add-on
safe=off 开启安全过滤?-off关;strict 严格过滤;
&hl=en 界面语言-英语
pws=0 个性化搜索?-0 关掉;1 开启;
filter=0 隐藏重复结果?0 重复;1 不重复;看个人喜好了,我比较喜欢重复的
nfpr=1 禁止自动更正拼写,比如你搜索pupppy时,会搜索puppy,如果你不想让它自动更改,把该参数设为1
火狐参数-Firefox Parameters