Rated 2 out of 5 stars

I installed the add-on several months ago and it was working great and performing just like you would expect based on a typical GMail experience.

Recently I have found that the conversations being bundled are completely unrelated and share nothing in common. For example a credit card statement was bundled with a conversation I had with a friend about lawn furniture.

I figured it was a one off, and ignored it. Then it started happening more with large amounts of mis-bundled messages.

This becomes more complicated when you do a search for a message and you view the bundled messages and have all these unrelated messages to filter through.

I again figured (hoped) it was a reboot issue or some other such issue but after several months of struggling with it, I searched for a solution on the web and discovered that this is a problem they have had for years and don't have a solution for it. Very disappointed. In fairness to the developer, I have found they posted this on their FAQ https://github.com/protz/thunderbird-conversations/wiki/FAQ and while this issue may not be the fault of the developer it still makes the add-on and honestly, Thunderbird largely useless if you have (as I do) a plethora of chained messages.

This review is for a previous version of the add-on (2.14.7).