Claudio Porcellana

About me

Developer Information
Name Claudio Porcellana
Location Italy
Occupation medical translator
User since Jan. 4, 2012
Number of add-ons developed 0 add-ons
Average rating of developer's add-ons Not yet rated

My Reviews

Filter Of Filters

Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Quite oddly, Thunderbird filters are stored in a random way, not in the more logical alphabetical one

So if you (like me) have tons of filters with similar names, you can kill your eyes finding one of them and this tool fixes the issue: Two Thumbs Up!

BTW, if you stored filters that are someway similar to a name and a surname (e.g. Tex Willer) and you want to show only surnames that start with W (e.g. Willer), you must put a space before W, otherwise the filter will return all names/surnames (may be tons of them) that contain a W in any place

I even tried to have filters showed per name, but I wasn't able to do it, so I hope the developper is able to find it

This review is for a previous version of the add-on (1.0).