Search Tools
3,775 add-ons
NASB Search by ET Labs
2 weekly downloads
Search through the New American Standard Bible (NASB) with ease. Powered by BiblePub.
Zazzle UK by post-pop
2 weekly downloads
Search for gifts, clothing, cards, T-shirts, mugs, buttons on Zazzle
Börse: Wertpapier- und Kurssuche in Realtime by
2 weekly downloads
Das Tool ermöglicht Ihnen, direkt über Firefox ein Wertpapier aufzurufen, ohne erst zur Website zu wechseln. Wenn Sie das Tool installieren, können Sie einfach Name, WKN, ISIN oder Kürzel in das Eingabefeld im Browser-Fenster eingeben.
W3C Link by EduRebecca
2 weekly downloads
Valide seus Links - Desenvolvimento da busca integrada: EduRebecca
Wowhead-DE by Red-Naxela
2 weekly downloads
Wowhead-DE Search
Wowhead search add-on for the quick search feature, edited to search the german version of =>
Greets fly out to "The Untouchable" ;)
Fireburst Video Search by Fireburst.Search.Engine
2 weekly downloads
Search videos with Fireburst.
PostgreSQL website search by Samuel Gilbert
2 weekly downloads
OpenSearch plugin for the PostgreSQL Web site.
TamTamOfferte by TamTamOfferte
2 weekly downloads
Scopri le offerte dei prodotti migliori nei volantini nella tua città o ovunque ti trovi. Con i sottocosto e le promozioni dei migliori marchi potrai risparmiare sulla tua spesa giornaliera
Blockchain by Otto de Voogd
2 weekly downloads is a service to query the BitCoin blockchain.
Wikipedia (ukrainian) | Вікіпедія (українська) by okinasevych
2 weekly downloads
This is a search plug-in for Ukrainian-language Wikipedia at
Це пошуковий плаґ-ин для української мови Вікіпедії на
Additional Resources
- Learn more about the search bar in SeaMonkey
- Browse through even more search providers at
- Make your own search tool
To create your own collections, you must have a Mozilla Add-ons account.