
About me

Developer Information
Name DJRavine
Location Brisbane, Australia
Occupation Web Designer, Graphic Designer, IT Guru
User since May 28, 2012
Number of add-ons developed 1 add-on
Average rating of developer's add-ons Rated 2 out of 5 stars

In a little more detail...

Well, my name is Adan aka DJRavine...
I live in Brisbane, Australia... Nice place.. Too hot tho...
I'm 23 atm... 3 years back i completed my diploma of
Information Technology - Software Engineering [Object-Oriented Design]
and i'm a qualified programmer, computer technician, networker..
blah blah...

I run my own web hosting company
Through which i host my main website,
Which is a massive help forum for world of warcraft emulators...
I do all the graphic design / coding / networking / client support...
im currently trying to open up a webcafe also..
but one investors dropped out... so more planning.. grr..

I used to run with a team of about 25 admins..
we consist of 4 wow servers.. each offering different features..
wowemu funserver, mangos funserver, mangos v1.12.1, mangos TBC...
but our tbc is... yeah.. in "gm testing" only atm... haha... meh..
also just setup a server remote for a german WoW group last week..
they were very appreciative.. the experiance was quite amusing...
but we have move towards helping other server owners rather than host ourselves...

Have also have been making much music under the name DJRavine...
i have a bit of it here if you are interested.. working on a cd release also... <- NOT A PLUG I SWEAR!! lol...

um.. i dont think there's much else i've missed..
and if i have check my userbar rollover in my signature...
sorry for waffling on.. had a few rum's and yeah.. haha..
so i'll guess i'll leave you to it.. don't be a stranger now...

Programming Vocabulary:
C, C++, Java, Visual Basic, Turbo Pascal, Delphi,
Orc, Tcl, Scp, Lua, HTML, JavaScript, PHP, CGI, SQL,
and i think thats it.. my head hurts..

Interests / Likes:
Nice formating, Skating [Skate Boarding], Graphic Design,
Programming, Software Hacking, Software evolutions
[eg. how youtube is being used by so many social groups],
Gaming, Game Development [ my concept ],
Quotes, Human Consciousness, Sleep [tho i'm an insomniac],
and just about anything electronically technical...

Dislikes / Pet Peaves:
Dont have many...
Just dont be a complete noob...
or boob.. or any other fleshy extremity...

Add-ons I've created

Signature Fixer Requires Restart

Fixes the Signature Stacking bug for Forwards/Replies.

Rated 2 out of 5 stars (4)
0 users
Works with Thunderbird 1.5 - 31.*
View other versions

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