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or you can patch it yourself.

1. find the xpi file and extract it with an unzip utility. The path will be something like C:\Users\yourlogin\AppData\Roaming\Mozilla\Firefox\Profiles\somerandomid.default\extensions

2. edit install.rdf and change this line

mine is 6.0.* because I've already patched this previously. Yours might be 5.0.* . If you haven't done the previous patch, read backwards in this thread until you see the instructions detailed.

3. Zip the contents back up, and rename with an xpi extension. It's important to note that the final zipped file does not include the top level directory {582195F5-92E7-40a0-A127-DB71295901D7} but just the files within it.

I have posted the completed patch here so if you are lazy, just use that. But I won't use anybody elses patch. It's super easy for someone to put nasties in there! Be warned!