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Shop Companion
Access to full-resolution product images and videos on various shopping sites is easy with this add-on. It adds links to the largest/xxl/best-size version of product images on various shoppings sites.
Open-source code on
Element Hiding Helper for Pan
Help you create element hiding rules for Pan to fight the text ads.
Video Mouse Wheel
Use wheel mouse on videos to control video/audio/quality.
Choose flash/HTML5 on YouTube, autopause on background tabs, embedded videos.
And much more!
Web Server Check Tool
Requires Restart
A tool to perform basic checks on web and DAV servers.
Thin Tabs
Extremely thin tabs optimized for the squared variants of Classic Theme Restorer.
Please see description for updates!
Focus Regainer Lite
Requires Restart
Return focus from embedded object back to browser on browser hotkeys double pressed.
ScrapBook X AutoSave
Requires Restart
Automatically saves web page to ScrapBook on browsing.
Process Toggle
Toolbar panel for restarting the application with(out) multiple processes and for changing the maximum number of content processes (this requires Firefox 49 or newer).
Select like a Boss
Select link's text just like a regular text (like in Opera'12 browser) - Select like a Boss ;)
/r/CFB Easy Flair
Requires Restart
Easily insert flair into /r/CFB posts with a shorthand system.
Torrent Tornado
Requires Restart
A Torrent Client for Firefox and SeaMonkey, runs everywhere, created in pure JavaScript without binary software!
Requires Restart
A Korean popup dictionary based on Rikaichan
Requires the additional dictionary addon.
Mukparasi Korean-English Dictionary File
Requires Restart
A Korean-English dictionary file for Mukparasi.
Search YouTube For This
Requires Restart
Right click on selected or a link click search YouTube For Video of in the menu, a new tab will open with the searched text.
To create your own collections, you must have a Mozilla Add-ons account.