Imap-ACL-Extension 0.2.8 Requires Restart
by ds-10
Extension to manage acls/permissions for shared mailboxes/folders on imap servers.
About this Add-on
This Addon is OpenSource, if you find bugs or want to make request, please use:
There is a Version pending (since 5 Months currently) which fixed TB 60, use github Download until Mozilla releases the new Version.
This Addon lets you manage the permissions of shared mailboxes.
You can set and delete acls(permissions for users).
To manage permissions click on a folder and then "Tools->Imap-ACL", the toolbar button or go to:
"Folder Properties" -> "Sharing Tab".
Also includes a toolbar button, add via: "right click on your toolbar" -> "customize".
To get the "advanced view", go to "Addons" -> "Manage", right click on Imap-Acl, choose Settings then check advanced mode.
Now with French translation, thanks to Anthony Milan