E-Mail Bodytext Autoexport 1.02 Requires Restart
by Seba
Extracts the bodytext from an E-Mail with the specific subject into a setable directory.
About this Add-on
Der Name der exportierten Datei ist wie folgt zusammengebaut: Betreff + "-" + eine einmalige Zufallszahl die auf dem Datumformat basiert.
This Add-On does extract the Textcontent (whitout attachement) from an incomming e-mail with does have a specific subject (=Betreff).
In the settings from this add-on you able to set the subject that starts the export routine as well as the filepath.
In the first inputfield you can set the export Filepath(=Speicherpfad) (Root must exists; Example: C:\MyDocuments\ExportThunderbird\). At the end you have to fill in a backslash (\).
In the second Field you can set the subjects that starts the exporting routine. If you have more than one subject, you can separate those by using a coma. Pay Attention by setting the exporting subject. B1 is not the same as b1. Also look, that you don't use space in a subject. (Example: B1,Web_Form,Mytest) That means that any incomming Mail with the subject B1 or Web_Form or Mytest will be exportet into the Path C:\MyDocuments\ExportThunderbird\. There it creates for any exportet mail an *.txt File. the filename is based on the Timeformat + a variable constant.