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Me Hincha
Ahora también podés decir todo lo que te hincha en Facebook!
Descargá tu botón ME HINCHA para utilizar en Facebook y contale a todos tus amigos que te hincha.
Únicamente disponible para Mozilla Firefox.
Style the web your way- provides a GUI that allow web users to change the look-and-feel of arbitrary web pages to something more pleasant and accessible.
Personasizer allows you to expose more of your persona's header image. Useful for personas that have text or an important part of their content cut off by the browser's navigation elements.
JSON Inspector
Inspect JSON object from a URL or entered data.
Requires either DOM Inspector or DOM Inspector Plus! [dm] extension.
Chuvash spellchecker dictionary
Chuvash dictionary for spell-checking in Firefox and Thunderbird
Komi (kpv) spellchecker dictionary
Komi (kpv) dictionary for spell-checking in Firefox and Thunderbird
Udmurt spellchecker dictionary
Udmurt dictionary for spell-checking in Firefox and Thunderbird
Tatar spellchecker dictionary
Tatar dictionary for spell-checking in Firefox and Thunderbird.
Орфографический словарь Firefox и Thunderbird для проверки правописания татарского языка.
To create your own collections, you must have a Mozilla Add-ons account.