Search Tools
3,775 add-ons
by ricky he
2 weekly downloads
百度图片—全球最大中文图片库, 百度图片拥有来自几十亿中文网页的海量图库,收录数亿张图片,并在不断增加中。 搜索你想要的壁纸,写真,动漫,表情,素材……美图新图热图酷图,任你挑选。
Subscene old version search
by Abdulrhman-MJ
2 weekly downloads
Subscene old version search by AbdulrhmanMJ //
Polish to German
by firefalkon7
2 weekly downloads
Przetłumacz z polskiego na niemiecki z google translate
Słownik polsko-niemiecki
Translate polish to german with google translate service
Polish-german dictionary
Vikidia (fr)
by Vorsipellis
2 weekly downloads
Plugin de recherche pour le wiki Vikidia francophone.
MUD-Dev Archive
by James F. Bellinger
2 weekly downloads
Search posts from the MUD-Dev online game development discussions.
by Maik Schindler
2 weekly downloads
... die Suchmaschine für Testberichte - Wissen, was wann wie getestet wurde ...
Python 2.7 Modules
by Diogo Kollross
2 weekly downloads
Open documentation for Python 2.7 modules by their names.
Google Català
by Guillem Tanyà
2 weekly downloads
Cerca a a través dels cercadors de Firefox
by King Ming
2 weekly downloads
Larousse FR-EN v0.1
by Thomas
2 weekly downloads
Add word translation French to English by to the search box.
Motherpipe Anonymt Sök
by Motherpipe
2 weekly downloads
Motherpipe är en anonym sökmotor. Inga cookies, ingen tracking och ingen loggning av personliga data. Denna add-on lägger till Motherpipe som förstaval för Firefox sökbox, adressbar och sök från högerklick. Nu med Twitter.
Szukaj Paczki Poczta Polska
by IvanKidmanovic
2 weekly downloads
Narzedzie wyszukiwania paczek Poczty Polskiej. Do wyboru z paska wyszukiwarek
Google UK (SSL)
by Marginal
2 weekly downloads
Search using via SSL to protect your search query and results from snooping by third parties. Particularly useful when using unsecured wifi.
Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek
by Michael Büchner
2 weekly downloads
Die Deutsche Digitale Bibliothek ist das zentrale Portal für Kultur und Wissen. Sie macht das kulturelle Erbe Deutschlands über das Internet zugänglich.
Lumerias Video Search
by lumerias
2 weekly downloads
Search for videos with video search engine Lumerias.
Lumerias is privacy aware video search. We do our own crawls, so searching our index is an alternative to using search on social video portals. We do not track, and scrub referers if you want.
Google Forum(discussion) Search
by Paul Newman
2 weekly downloads
Conduct Forum(discussion) Searches using Google's own Search Engine Modifiers.
This is the only option to search forums within Google (using their modifiers).
SISTRIX Toolbox Suche (DE)
by Daniel Abromeit
2 weekly downloads
Suche nach Domains/URLs/Keywords innerhalb der SISTRIX Toolbox unter
Additional Resources
- Learn more about the search bar in Firefox
- Browse through even more search providers at
- Make your own search tool
To create your own collections, you must have a Mozilla Add-ons account.