Reviews for CardBook
485 reviews for this add-on
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Großartig, vielen Dank für diese Addon!
This review is for a previous version of the add-on (19.1).Rated 4 out of 5 stars
in most recent 45.? and 52.?, email address autocomplete does not work any longer. The autocomplete list comes up for a short moment, but goes away and only the typed letters are there. Any ideas what could cause this? Conflict with other addons? To get autocomplete back: either safe mode or disable cardbook (Win 10 32 bit)
may you contact me by email : cardbook.thunderbird @ ?
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
So far so good. Just a bit of testing but so far I love this tool. Great UI and great Job. Hands down one of the best addon's I have ever seen thats written and maintained by an independent developer. Even has a forum for us users =^]
Thank you for filling this important void in Thunderbird!!
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
I have my own Kolab server and uses Thunderbird as a Linux client. I already had CalDAV and was looking for CardDAV. This add-on looked promising and surely delivered what I was hoping for. Now I manage to sync contacts between multiple clients and servers. Five stars *****
This review is for a previous version of the add-on (18.5).Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Использую приложения для синхронизации Thunderbird с контактами, хранящимися на сервере Nextcloud.
Всё работает отлично!
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
I use this addon since quite some months now and it has all the functions I miss at Thunderbird's address book.
There is just one issue: It is not possible to instruct Thunderbird's Junk filter not to mark mails from Cardbook addresses as junk as it is possible with addresses from Thunderbird's address book. So "good" mails get sorted out from time to time. Is it planned to implement this feature in the future?
In reply to Philippe: Oh, I was not aware of these possibilites of Thunderbird's filter. Now I filter the Cardbook addresses and set matches to "no junk" (filter runs before junk filter, of course). Thanks for pointing me to this!
I cannot override the junk filter and the quick filter bar because the job is done in C++ library... for the junk filter maybe you may create a filter to rearrange the moved emails...
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
There aren't many options to sync with a cardDAV server for Thunderbird. I've been struggling with Sogo connector for the last year, as their development has tailed off, and my suggestions for bugfixes have remained ignored.
Cardbook not only now actually works with my nextcloud/owncloud server, but it also wraps it up in a nice interface. Thanks Phillipe
Rated 4 out of 5 stars
This is very good, much better than SoGo Connector. A full replacement for the built-in address book would be awesome, like someone mentioned I see lots of confusion in peoples' minds about this.
I'd like to do a translation into my language, how would I go about it?
Also, it's be great if it followed regional settings for DOBs and such.
may you contact me here : :O) ?
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Excellent add-on. If you're looking for an app that allow you to sync your Gmail contacts with TB, Stop searching, You got it. Actually I rather installing this add-on than gContactsync.
I love it, try it and you will too.
Excelente add-on. Si estas buscando una app que te permita sincronizar tus contactos Gmail con TB, deja de buscar, la conseguiste!
De hecho prefiero instalar este add-onn que gContactsync
Me encanta, pruébalo y te encantará también.
from Venezuela
there is a little problem for the moment with the Google CardDAV API : it does not sync the categories... they have a bug and they are not very reachable...
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
I personally have my own calendar and contacts server (radicale). After months of seeking a good solution to edit my contacts on my workstation (not on my mobile!), CardDavMATE (looks great on their server), whatever, nothing really worked, and Thunderbird's built in Address Book is not really the hype.
So I am very glad to be able to use CardBook now as address book (editing-) solution on my desktop. The version upgrade from x to 16.2 is great: No more flickering (probably by syncing with the server). CardBook is the only solution I know to associate several mobile phone numbers with a person!
What I would improve:
- If I create a remote address book with an invalid context path, validation is ok, but nothing is found (i.e. my address book is on server but I entered
- If I use an address book on a server that does only need a user name (instead of a username, password pair), I have to enter a password, to get on in the configuration dialog).
Great, congratulations.
Recommended add-on!
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Great, that's what I missed a long time. It works fine for me - the Server is a Zimbra Collaboration Server (ZCS).
How to make a donation without PayPal (due to security reasons). What about Bitcoin?
thanks :O) ... to make a donation, send me an email to ;O)
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Great great work! form me, carddav was a huge lack in TB, now I can use shared addressbook with my colleagues
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
I am quite happy that this app 2-way syncs my android phone with TB via CardDAV service provided by my Synology NAS (DSM 6.0).
On android I use "ContactSync" - the price (1,50 EUR) is a good deal (made donation for CB as well!).
Even categrories can be seen on the phone!
Main pitfalls:
Synos CardDAV service can deal only with vCard Version 3.0 - this is not documented.
While transforming my existing contacts my android phone exported its local contacts as vCard Version 2.1 - CardBook did not complain but imported nothing. Had to convert to vCard Version 3.0 before.
"vCard Grid" (java program) did the job (but needs all keywords in uppercase!).
When activating CB, TB became very slow in the GUI. Eventually found this article:
Did not observe the CPU-storm described there, but applying the proposed modification made the GUI working as smoothly as it was without CB! (you may try a more moderate change, say only 10 times).
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Problem with uploading contacts including photo:
2017.01.06 21:27:42:499 : : Contact Joe Dow failed to be created on server (url :, status : 500)
may you send me the CardBook log by email : ?
Rated 3 out of 5 stars
Very nice add-on, fitting a big hole in TB, thanks for that.
However, I am hitting at least 2 problems when trying to import my address book from another aging device (Windows Mobile 6):
1) When importing from a VCF file, I get in the log the errors "2016.12.30 21:25:04:349 : Testdir : Erreur lors de la traduction de la carte de visite :
3.0 et 4.0 sont les seules versions supportées
N;CHARSET=utf-8;ENCODING=QUOTED-PRINTABLE:..<note: I suppressed personal info from the error msg>..
and so nothing is imported, although it seems to read it pretty well from what I can see in the error log.
This happens for each record of course.
I have no way to generate a higher version of the VCF file from my WM6 contacts application :-(.
So nothing is imported.
2) When trying to import from a .CSV file, unicode is not supported.
So I have to edit my .CSV file exported from WM6 in the Windows Notepad to Save as UTF-8 or ANSI.
Then I am hitting a bug when using the import as .CSV (after saving in UTF-8 or ANSI):
only 20 out of the 170 contact records are really imported, whatever effort I put in matching fields ...
Something is breaking the import in most of the records, and I cannot figure it out.
The error log says, for each one:
"2016.12.30 21:21:04:700 : Testdir : Erreur lors de la traduction de la carte de visite :
myArgs.template[j] is undefined" (repeated about 150 times)
"2016.12.30 21:21:05:331 : Testdir : Importation terminée, résultats :"
"2016.12.30 21:21:05:331 : Testdir : Contacts importés : 19"
"2016.12.30 21:21:05:331 : Testdir : Contacts en erreur : 151"
"2016.12.30 21:21:05:332 : Tous les imports sont finis"
Debug mode adds nothing to those details, so can't figure out what is wrong, and so I still don't have something exploitable.
And then, some features would really be useful to make this more useable:
1) In the import as CSV, when adding matching columns, have "Up" and "Down" buttons to move a selected matching column.
My imported source has more than 60 columns, so when making an error in the middle, the only way to correct is to select all the fields after that one one by one, pressing "Delete" for each, then correcting, then "Add" one by one again ... :-(
2) Synchronize the cursor in the two vertical boxes "Selected column" and the "Heading column" at right, to be able to verify which column is matching with which (again, remember my 60+ columns import ...)
3) Be able to add more than 1 event, besides "Birthday" = feast, and other or custom for other events to remember / signal.
4) Be able to add more than 4 custom fields (2 personal + 2 professional) in contacts, if possible.
Hope this helps.
Let me know if you want more details for the CSV import bug and how to get them.
And again thanks for the work, this look promising .. too bad I can't use it for now.
EDIT on 2/1/2017: I can see that VCF exports from latest Android phones (6.0 Marshmallow) are also in VCF v2.1 .. so this Add-on would definitely benefit from allowing to import at least 2.1 versions and not just 3.0 and 4.0 which do not seem to be so widely used.
All the more that standard Thunderbird address book does import those V2.1 VCF files.
So for now, CardBook does not allow to share a common address book with an Android phone, unless to use a convoluted import/export path through TB std address book.
for the csv import, the best is to use the gmail one then export as vcf and import the vcf file into CardBook...
1/ yes you are right, will add them
2/ good idea but don't know how to do... will search...
3/ 4/ difficult...
Rated 3 out of 5 stars
Coming from SOGO cardbook is definitely more reliable. Over the years SOGO connector had so many issues with sync silently failing, mysteriosuly vanishing contacts that later reappear doubled etc.
This seems to be way better.
However, the interface decission to have another GUI and the old one still there keeps confusing users, even when I take time to explain it, a few weeks they happen to get in the default addressbook and complain their (cardbook) groups are gone. It is just very unintuative.
Similar there is no option when writing an email, to address it to a group from Cardbook contacts from the Email Composer GUI. You have first go to Cardbook, select the group then click "Write To". Again altough it works, it is unintuitive. Again so much, that even user training is forgotten after a few weeks...
Biggest issue at the moment, there is thus no possibility to forward an Email to a Cardbook Group. It just doesn't work. Even Coping the Contacts and Pasting them into the To: Field, one would expect the Emails to appear, but no, its a list of Contact Ids.
Thunderbird and the wish to synchronize Addressbooks across devices keep to be an ever so frustrating combination.
the contact sidebar when writing emails will arrive in january I hope... for the moment, there is only the email autocompletion when you start to type... for the list not working, I will test but for me it works...
Rated 4 out of 5 stars
I am so happy to have discovered this plugin! It works very well with Nextcloud.
One thing I would like to see improved is bulk operation, and in particular with regard to the categories. It would be nice to be able to assign a catgeory (or several) to a set of selected contacts (or to remove assigned categories). Idem for other fields - like add the same value for country to selected contacts. This could be done from the menu, for example.
Another observation: when importing my contacts from gmail, all URL fields had a wrong entry, starting with "https\://", so I had to edit them all manually. Not sure if this is a mistake from geoogle, or a problem of the plugin. But again, would be great to have a mechanisme like search&replace all for all entries.
Keep up the great work!
it's possible to add categories to many contacts by drag and drop... for the rest you're right, I will try to add tis for next year
Rated 4 out of 5 stars
Great add-on! Easy to set up and works smoothly. Carddav support makes Thunderbird usable at last. The one change I'd like to see is an option for displaying the notes field on the General tab. All of my notes are brief, and there is plenty of room on the General tab.
Keep up the great work!
in vertical Layout there is a lot of place for the notes but not in classic layout... that's why this is splitted into two tabs... I will think about this : vertical layout should become the default...
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
better than sogo! connection with google and gmx was not an issue..
This review is for a previous version of the add-on (15.6).Rated 5 out of 5 stars
That TB has lacked adequate/modern support for CardDAV-based networked-addressbooks has been a deal-breaker for literally YEARS now. I have trouble wrapping my head around why it's such a conceptual stretch that sharing calendars & addressbooks is a critical functionality & a basic criterion for adoption -- especially in the Enterprise, small or large. There's been endless discussion that it's "complicated & hard" and that there are "no resources" available to do it natively ...
Maybe so. But this app, and this one dev, have elegantly & capably addressed the problem. This extension works REALLY well for CardDAV support. Very much unlike the one 'other solution' that's out there, this extension works with latest/current versions of TBird, and -- most importantly -- the dev is incredibly responsive, interested in user feedback, and clever/efficient with fixes & new features. And a nice guy, to boot!
Sure, the extension will benefit from additional capabilities & tweaks; complete seamless integration in TB, and possible complete replacement of AddressBook would be great, IMO! I'd bet that there are likely internal architectural issues that could use some refactoring, etc. But all that's ONLY ever going to happen once an excellent, functional basis exists to build upon.
And CardBook, frankly, fits the bill.
In an ideal world, I'd love to see this become a commercial supported extension (cref QuickFolders for a working model. Or at least one that works for me) that I can point companies & colleagues at for a supported, reliable solution. But ultimately that's a decision for the dev; and making that decision in the 'uncertainty' around TB's future plans/direction is understanably dicey.
In the end, I just hope this extenstion 'continues on'. & to the dev -- simply -- thanks a lot, and lots of luck!
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