Auto Resize JPEG Version History

5 versions

Be careful with old versions!

These versions are displayed for reference and testing purposes. You should always use the latest version of an add-on.

Version 0.10.2 218.0 KiB Works with Thunderbird 1.5 - 3.2a1pre

* Some help dialogs have been added in order to guide user through addon configuration.

* bugfix: At settings dialog startup or when resetting dialog, if one of resizing setting ('enlarge'/'reduce') was disabled and one of its related dimension setting was set to 'custom' then related textbox was not disabled.
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Works with Firefox for Android
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Version 0.10.1 216.0 KiB Works with Thunderbird 1.5 - 3.2a1pre

* Resized images aspect is no longer kept for images which are added through formatting toolbar button ('insert an image'). Nevertheless a new setting has been added which allows to display resized images with original aspect.
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Works with Firefox for Android
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Version 0.10.0 216.0 KiB Works with Thunderbird 1.5 - 3.2a1pre

* Inline images handling has been rewritten using more API functions, thus enhancing stability.

* Resizing dimensions panel offers now several predefined sizes in a list. However it's still possible to define a custom resizing size.

* New options have been added to renaming pattern to insert automatically current date or current time in resized image file name.

* bugfix: When resizing an image file with the same name as an already-resized image file but with a different case, image file was given a doublon name. Now doublon-names check is case-insensitive.
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Works with Firefox for Android
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Version 0.9.0 215.0 KiB Works with Thunderbird 1.5 - 3.2a1pre

* Inline images are now handled: they can be resized and unresized like attachment images.

* Settings dialog offers full control on how images are resized: inline and/or attachment images can be resized when "sending now", "sending later", "sending in background", "saving message as draft", "saving message as template", "auto saving as draft" or not.
For each mode, it's also possible to specify if undo is possible or not, and if resizing should be skipped if any image has already been resized (generally using dedicated custom button).

* If message is saved in mailbox (draft, template, send later, etc.), then it's possible to resize or unresize inline images once the message is edited.

* Resized attachment images can be displayed with a user-chosen style in attachments pane (color, italic and/or bold).

* Renaming resized images is now smarter enough to avoid doublons.

* It's now possible to enable or disable regular expressions in source filename filtering.

* A special filter has been added for copy/pasted images. Regular expressions can be enabled or disabled for this filter.

* Temporary files created while resizing are now stored in a dedicated subdirectory of system temporary directory. This subdirectory is flushed and deleted as soon as composing dialog is closed (when message is sent or dialog is closed).

* Swedish translation has been added (thanks to Mikael Hiort af Ornäs).

* bugfix: The addon crashed when undoing resizing of image files whose original source file is also individually attached.

* bugfix: The addon crashed when using source filename filtering with regular expressions enabled and the renaming pattern contains an invalid regular expression.
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Works with Firefox for Android
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Version 0.4.4 195.0 KiB Works with Thunderbird 1.5 - 3.2a1pre

* The feature which allowed to add a user-defined suffix to be appended to resized images has been replaced by a renaming feature. Resized images can be renamed with a user-defined pattern.

* bugfix: The add-on crashed when forwarding mail as attachment.
Not available for your platform
Works with Firefox for Android
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