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CloseKaskus Quick Reply+ Version History
4 versions
Be careful with old versions!
These versions are displayed for reference and testing purposes. You should always use the latest version of an add-on.
Fix invalid input capcay. Thanks=[andrypein]
v3.1.9 - 2011-06-04
Switchable setting capctha mode.
Shortcut for draft thingie. Thanks=[p1nky]
Back to Recaptcha again. --". Thanks=[t0g3, skycreeper]
Add HTML/PHP tag controllers. Thanks=[deodeye]
Fix rate thread thingie. Thanks=[black341469]
- Source code released under Custom License
AjaxPost & Auto-Redirect
Enable: Sending / submit POST is silent (Ajax mode).
return XHR review found there a meta redirect. If so (post sent) then the redirect, otherwise display error (capcay wrong, delayed post)
Disable: ordinary post-submission. (fail? goto (Advanced-Mode): posted)
in some cases, Advanced is helping to overcome the failed post or "unknow error" reCAPTCHA
AutoGrow Textarea
Enable: height elastic textarea will follow it, with the property max-height adjustable dg (onresize) window is opened. When it reaches max, the scroll-y would occur.
Disable: textarea height static, there is a controller to increase is / Decrease height under the Settings button. (similar to the standard textarea behavior vbull kaskus)
Dynamic QR
Enable: main container QR moved close to where the Quick Reply button is clicked.
Disable: vice-versa.
Quick Quote (Experimental)
quote post directly from the page-source, without fetching (XHR)
[+] Improve faster quote (alternate);
[-] extended parsing tags yet complementary-sub (font, color, size; quote> spoiler) * todo
[-] do not / have not suport [youtube]
[-] dip all parsed image tag IMG (including Emote)
QQ more intended to quote a single post, although capable of multi-quote on one page.
Use with MultiFox (Experimental)
function for asynchronous addons Multifox with QR to run / work in multiple ID at the same time
Use with Multifox MUST be in the condition is checked if you want to use multifox on QR.
In the future this feature will automatically run the global default if it has been through several test and experimental stage.
some features may be added or absent in certain versions of QR
For more description :
For report issue/bug/request :
Bug Reports:
Provide the following information:
- Your operating system (and version)
- Your browser (and version)
- The version of QR you are using
- Clear steps to reproduce the bug (including a reduced-case user script, if applicable)
- A description of what you expected to happen
- A description of what actually happened
Kaskus Quick Reply Userscript is an improvement of "kaskusquickreply" initialy founded by bimatampan.
Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 3.0 License
Kaskus brand is a registered trademark of www.kaskus.us
Kaskus Quick Reply(QR) is not related or endorsed by www.kaskus.us in any way.
This QR+ (Add-On) is transformed from the same version of the original QR script on USO as specified by author
Founder by bimatampan; http://bimatampan.wordpress.com
Author QR/QR+ by Idx; http://userscripts.org/users/idx
Addons packed by Piluze; http://ocean-leecher.net
Contributor :
s4nji, riza_kasela, p1nky, b3g0, fazar, bagosbanget, eric., bedjho, intruder.master, Rh354, gr0, hermawan64, slifer2006, gzt, Duljondul, reongkacun, otnaibef, ketang8keting, farin, drupalorg, .Shana, & all-kaskuser
- Source code released under Custom License
v3.1.6 - 2011-05-08
Fix save_draft thingie
Improve not responding onsubmit then "Kepenuhan"
Fix failed redirect after post (donatur)
Fix minor (Chrome) failed destroy QR on locked thread
Fix (Opera) shortcut-key on textarea
Improve warn & close popup when post is too (short|long)
Fix controllers visibility settings. Thanks=[takut.sendirian]
Improve save_draft choice to continue draft
Improve save_draft with reset(-draft-)
Fix clear tmp_text after post
Add List controller. Thanks[andrypein]
Add save_draft. Thanks=[zha1]
Fix failed remove selected quote after fetching
Fix event_ckck (adapting multifox use)
Fix always use native XHR (use with multifox no-longer required)
Improve simultan QQ & MQ
Fix [BIU] shortcut (Opera)
Add shortcut, [Left, Center, Right] == Ctrl+[L,(Shift+E),R]
Improve quick-quote (beta-11)
- Source code released under Custom License
v3.1.5 - 2011-04-06
Fix multiquote behaviour with Multifox
Improve QQ enabled(default)
Fix Updater switch between xhr method
Fix QQ clearparse inside PHP tag.
Add native/generic XHR for Multifox work with . Thanks=[hultmann]
Improve author namespace (adapting AMO)
Improve & repositioning QQ-Button
Add 2 new Kaskusemotes (Hot-News; Games)
Fix multi-QQ in one page
Fix namespace .
Fix QQ-now lastIdx of an a
Fix QQ-now not disappear in notice on another page
Fix keep controller_wraper onclose Settings
Fix QQ missed parsing inside LIST . Thanks=[p1nky]
Fix QQ-now not disappear in notice . Thanks=[rende]
Fix failed get username . Thanks=[takut.patahhati]
Improve combining multi-QQ (One Page) .Thanks=[p1nky]
Improve using with Multifox (some features not available)
Fix QQ quote Officer/Moderator username . Thanks=[ketang7keting]
Fix posterror on maxlength . Thanks=[t0g3]
Fix input_title maxlength=85 . Thanks=[t0g3]
Fix minor (setElastic) offset max-height
Add quick-quote (beta-10)
Compatible with MULTIFOX
- Source code released under Custom License
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