Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Absolutely great extension! Just a suggestion for a small and easy to implement improvement: it would be great to have an option to have the flag "Make this an auto-save session" checked by default in save session dialog. The feature to auto-save sessions instantly bought me, and I want pretty much all my sessions to be auto-saving, because I mostly use them as topics to read at a later time, and it makes sense to always update on browser shutdown which tabs i have read and closed and which new tabs i have opened, but I don't want to always keep in my head that I need to check that flag before I hit "Save session" button.

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Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Must have add-on

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Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Dear Sir,

There is a serious bug in Session Manager.

By going into its options, we may choose a location where Session Manager saves its ".Session" file. I chose my "Desktop" as its default location.

Now when I try to clean my firefox browsing history (by pression Ctrl+Alt+Del), it gives an option to delete "Session Manager Saved Sessions" also. If I choose this option and clear firefox browser history, all the other items on Desktop are also deleted.

It appears, that if I try to clear firefox history by choosing to clean the Sessions as well, as the contents of the folder where .SESSION file is supposed to be saved, are deleted too.

Please look into the matter. It is a very serious bug.

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Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Dear Herr Kraft,
Thanks for the Session Manager. It works well so far and makes my life easier. I have a defective contact at my computer and the program saves my tabs automatically and frequently. It is absolutely reliable.
Since I shutdown the computer overnight because of some unsafe self-repaired damages on computer and since I am usually not done with a long literature research at this time, I like the function to save a full session.
Thanks for making it totally uncomplicated to use.
Good Job! Have a nice day!
Best Regards

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Rated 5 out of 5 stars

suddenly it no longer appears in my toolbar or in my tools menu.

OK had to go into advanced and uncheck the options to display and apply and then check them again and apply and then close and reopen browser. Maybe a FF fault?

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Rated 5 out of 5 stars

A must have for someone like me who also uses lots and lots of tabs. (I use and love Tab Groups, too). Awesome.

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Rated 5 out of 5 stars

FF 15 broke my Session Manager plugin leaving me with a blank session. On the SM forums, the following solution worked for me:

1. Navigate to about:config (enter in URL field)
2. Search for dom.indexedDB.enabled and set to true (switch by double-clicking)
3. Restart FF

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Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Thanks for making this. It's really stable.

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Rated 2 out of 5 stars

This is the best session manager, but it just isn't possible to use it when it constantly & consistently crashes my browser & when it's not doing that, causing such severe lag that I cannot do anything at all. It makes me so sad because there is no acceptable alternative out there so far, and this has the best options. It's worked for me before, a bit laggy, but still was able to somewhat use my browser, but now it's just impossible. I simply don't have the time to deal with bugs & reporting & troubleshooting, I need to SAVE time, not waste more of it. I don't have much at all & things like this make me crazy. I use quite a few addons, but as soon as I disable this one, my major problems go away & as soon as it's enabled again, they return. I hope all the best for the future of this addon, really, I do, and I understand that you can't help me through a review, but this is a flaw & I'm stating it. Thanks anyways & A+ for effort & idea & implementation, just an F for how it actually functions & doesn't play well with my browser. :(

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Rated 2 out of 5 stars

Many times after Firefox crash session stay empty - all tabs are lost.

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Rated 5 out of 5 stars

I rely on this with a passion. I constantly need to save my sessions for school, because that alone can be some 20-40 tabs of hard work that is difficult to navigate, re-locate, organize, and recover if lost. I use open textboxes (just full-window sized boxes that I can type in) and if they are closed and not recovered, what was in them is lost. I depend on these, and this add-on makes sure I do not lose them or the information I was working on. It can be more than just frustrating to suddenly lose a session and to be unable to restore it. FireFox makes it so that if I delete my browsing history (nothing else, just the list of visited sites) it will delete my whole session so I cannot recover if I close it willingly. That is how I found this well-needed add-on!

Thank you! :D

The only suggestion that I have is the ability to merge saved sessions. I use this add-on as a way of keeping my "interests" sessions and my "school" sessions separate, so I may have several different sessions that, over time, end up with only a few items in them. It would be nice to append one session onto/into another.

The only problem I have, which is really just a little thing and not something to complain about, is that the window resizes every time I click something. I like to have the window tall. However, when I, say, delete a session, it shrinks down again, so I have to resize it to view the session/s again.

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Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Best session manager ever. Thank

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Rated 5 out of 5 stars

In addition to the obvious benefit of being able to restore your tabs from previous sessions, there is another wonderful use for Session Manager.

Sometimes I browse for a specific topic and find several pages of interest that I want to preserve. Rather than bookmarking them all into a folder, I can save the session or save the window using Session Manager. Then I can load that session without having to go through the bookmarks menu. If I make changes to which tabs are in the session (e.g., I delete one of the tabs that I previously preserved), I can save the updated session or window and override the old one. With bookmarks, I would need to manually delete the bookmarks.

If I'm done with the topic and don't need to remember those tabs anymore, I simply delete the session.

I have now saved at least a dozen specialized sessions with tabs concerning a specific topic. Those sessions contain up to 19 tabs, and together they contain over a hundred tabs. So glad I didn't have to bookmark all that and organize the bookmarks!

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Rated 5 out of 5 stars

This is an awesome addon and has helped me cut down on leaving tabs open for the "I'm gonna read it later." stuff. However, I would like to leave a couple constructive suggestions.

I use OneTab to bookmark things (because honestly, I feel bookmarks are archaic xD) to send things to a place where I can view them later. I also used to use it as a simplistic session manager, however it doesn't function nearly as well as Session Manager actually does. Though there is one feature OneTab does well that could benefit Session Manager- It would be perfect if we could send individual tabs or groups of tabs to either new or existing sessions, with a right click akin to how OneTab functions. Also, the ability to drag and drop tabs between sessions, similarly to how Tabs Group Helper does with tabs between windows would be great, that's one function I actually looked for when I first came to the Session Manager load screen and was disappointed it didn't have.

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Rated 5 out of 5 stars


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Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Love it, but please add an option to right-click on the web page to "save session" with no windows popping up. "Session Buddy" does this on Chrome and it is very useful. Thank you.

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Rated 5 out of 5 stars

Hi, the very best, but
Session Manager stoped working on 'Firefox Nightly 35.0a1',
Please fix this.

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Rated 5 out of 5 stars


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Rated 5 out of 5 stars

First let me set you up, I use tons of open tabs
with panorama along with multiple tabs handler I have over 1000 tabs sessions. This is not perfectly stable but that's not an issue with this module.

Session Manager is perfect. it allows to never lose a session again, which Firefox can't do by itself. Sure Firefox tries to restore your last failed session, however if you have a serious issue with firefox & restart it over & over you will lose your session.
With session manager you will never lose it anymore
you MUST configure it to your needs :
- number of sessions to keep (50 for me)
- whether or not opening a session will override any existing windows & tabs or simply add to existing windows & tabs
- how often does it saves a session (30 minutes for me)
so at most if a session save fail & firefox crashes I lose up to 30 min of work.
- number of days to keep deleted sessions

and a lot more options !

So in the end this plugin is awesome however it's not install & ready in 10 seconds. Again I cannot say enough how important it is to tailor this module to your needs.
Also be aware of how much hard drive space multiple huge sessions saves can use.

This review is for a previous version of the add-on ( 

Rated 5 out of 5 stars

It Does Exactly What It Says...Works Flawlessly, Recovers Every Time, And As An Added Bonus It Allows U To Save Or Load Any Session Any Time U Want. 5 Stars, The Best Add On Out There!

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