UnMHT Version History

52 versions

Be careful with old versions!

These versions are displayed for reference and testing purposes. You should always use the latest version of an add-on.

Version 380.1 KiB Works with Firefox 16.0 - 19.*, SeaMonkey 2.13 - 2.16.*, Thunderbird 16.0 - 17.*

  • [FIXED] Resolved conflict with some Add-ons.
  • [FIXED] UnMHT stop working when toolbar button of other Add-on contains illegal charater in its ID.
Works with SeaMonkey 2.13 - 2.16.*
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Version 380.0 KiB Works with Firefox 16.0 - 19.*, SeaMonkey 2.13 - 2.16.*, Thunderbird 16.0 - 17.*

  • [FIXED] Toolbar item overlay does not work (need to restart Firefox when updating from Ver.6.2.5).
Works with SeaMonkey 2.13 - 2.16.*
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Version 379.7 KiB Works with Firefox 16.0 - 19.*, SeaMonkey 2.13 - 2.16.*, Thunderbird 16.0 - 17.*

  • [FIXED] Filename losts extension and overwrite dialog is not shown correctly if File Type is changed in Save dialog on Windows and extension is hidden.
Works with SeaMonkey 2.13 - 2.16.*
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Version 379.7 KiB Works with Firefox 16.0 - 19.*, SeaMonkey 2.13 - 2.16.*, Thunderbird 16.0 - 17.*

  • [FIXED] Private browsing mode flag is wrong in [Remember what I've downloaded].
  • [FIXED] Filename character replacement list is not saved when leave editing by clicking somewhere.
  • [FIXED] Textbox in Filename character replacement list does not appear or disapper on some case.
Works with SeaMonkey 2.13 - 2.16.*
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Version 379.3 KiB Works with Firefox 16.0 - 19.*, SeaMonkey 2.13 - 2.16.*, Thunderbird 16.0 - 17.*

  • [CHANGED] Updated fr locale.
  • [NEW] Add support to overwrite local MHT file.
  • [NEW] Add [Save Selection as MHT] in Thunderbird/SeaMonkey Mail.
  • [NEW] Add [Quick Save] in Thunderbird/SeaMonkey Mail.
  • [NEW] Add [Retry] button in error page.
  • [NEW] Add option to Customize filename character replacement.
  • [NEW] Support RFC2646/RFC3676 (format, delsp parameters in Content-Type).
  • [NEW] Support list-style-image, border-image-source, cursor and content for pseudo-element in CSS.
  • [NEW] Support the document which has DOCTYPE with only Public ID.
  • [CHANGED] Store remote files when saving MHT file with [Original file] as MHT file.
  • [CHANGED] Change Save progress Meter to Toolbar item (Firefox/SeaMonkey only).
  • [CHANGED] Change statusbar icon option to Add-on Bar button (Firefox/SeaMonkey only).
  • [CHANGED] Do not save XUL document.
  • [CHANGED] Added known MIME-Type for MHT file.
  • [CHANGED] Automatically shorten filename for save if it's too long.
  • [CHANGED] Set minimum value for cache expire to 30 minutes.
  • [CHANGED] Do not clear cache for the MHT file which is opened in tab, even if it is expired.
  • [CHANGED] Jump to version specific User's Manual in Preferences window.
  • [CHANGED] Updated de, ko-KR, hu-HU, it, zh-CN locales.
  • [FIXED] Escaped quotation in MIME header, CSS, HTML attribute is not unescaped.
  • [FIXED] Support CSS interfaces change in Firefox 20 and 21.
  • [FIXED] Call inIDOMUtils.getUsedFontFaces for each text node instead of entire tree to avoid hang up on complicated page.
  • [FIXED] Do not store original META element with charset declaration when using [Current State] to avoid charset inconsistency.
  • [FIXED] File is not stored correctly when cache is stored only on memory.
  • [FIXED] Fragment of link is removed when saving MHT file again.
  • [FIXED] Relatively imported files in MHT file is not stored when save as MHT file again.
  • [FIXED] Render Mode is different when saving page which has DOCTYPE with only Public ID.
  • [FIXED] Toolbar button is not persistant in Personal Titlebar.
  • [NEW] Compatiblility with Firefox 19.x.
  • [NEW] Compatiblility with Seamonkey 2.16.x
Works with SeaMonkey 2.13 - 2.16.*
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Version 355.7 KiB Works with Firefox 16.0 - 19.*, SeaMonkey 2.13 - 2.15.*, Thunderbird 16.0 - 17.*

  • [FIXED] href attribute in BASE element has extra slash in saved MHT file.
Works with SeaMonkey 2.13 - 2.15.*
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Version 355.5 KiB Works with Firefox 16.0 - 18.*, SeaMonkey 2.13 - 2.15.*, Thunderbird 16.0 - 17.*

  • [FIXED] Do not work when upgrading from 5.7.x or older version (that is not fixed in Ver.6.1.3).
Works with SeaMonkey 2.13 - 2.15.*
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Version 355.5 KiB Works with Firefox 16.0 - 18.*, SeaMonkey 2.13 - 2.15.*, Thunderbird 16.0 - 17.*

  • [FIXED] Right click on statusbar icon does not shows context menu.
Works with SeaMonkey 2.13 - 2.15.*
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Version 355.5 KiB Works with Firefox 16.0 - 17.*, SeaMonkey 2.13 - 2.14.*, Thunderbird 16.0 - 17.*

  • [FIXED] Query is omitted in %URL% variable in Custom Filename.
  • [FIXED] %QUERY%, %FRAGMENT% variable is empty in Custom Filename.
Works with SeaMonkey 2.13 - 2.14.*
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Version 355.4 KiB Works with Firefox 16.0 - 17.*, SeaMonkey 2.13 - 2.14.*, Thunderbird 16.0 - 17.*

  • [FIXED] Do not work when upgrading from 5.7.x or older version.
Works with SeaMonkey 2.13 - 2.14.*
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Version 355.4 KiB Works with Firefox 16.0 - 17.*, SeaMonkey 2.13 - 2.14.*, Thunderbird 16.0 - 17.*

  • [FIXED] Failed to save the webpage if URI has encoded query string.
Works with SeaMonkey 2.13 - 2.14.*
View other versions

Version 317.1 KiB Works with Firefox 16.0 - 17.*, SeaMonkey 2.13 - 2.14.*, Thunderbird 16.0 - 17.*

* UnMHT can be installed without restarting the browser now (You need to restart the browser when updating from older version of UnMHT)
* Added new Preference Dialog.
* Support CSS multiple background-images.
* Support Content-Disposition: inline.
* Support upper case extension (.MHT).
* Supports opening MHT file in data URI scheme.
* Supports opening MHT which contains multipart/mixed.
* Support Mac Mail in [Send page as MHT by E-Mail].
* Support Send as Zip file in [Send page as MHT by E-Mail].
* Support SeaMonkey in [Send page as MHT by E-Mail].
* Support Drag and Drop file conversion in [Convert] pane in Preferences window.
* Do not store blocked files in saved MHT. (Can be turned off from preferences dialog)
* Add option to specify directory name suffix (_files) when converting HTML file to MHT file.
* Sync filename field to modified page title in [Save multiple tabs as MHT] dialog.
* Added icon to tool menu.
* Remember [Save multiple tabs as MHT] dialog size.
* Add ".unmht" as virtual TLD for document location when opening MHT file.
* Use preferences for renaming when same filename exists in Convert HTML to MHT.
* Hide [Extract]/[View Source] menu item by default.
* Hide [Show cache]/[Clear cache] menu item by default.
* Changed menu item order.
* Changed some preference default values.
* Use Desktop for [Save multiple tabs as MHT] default directory.
* Simplify Toolbar icon display status.
* Store data in OBJECT element into MHT file (Not all OBJECT element works well)
* Do not show version in button tooltip.
* Added ko-KR, sv-SE locales.
* Updated de, fr, hu-HU, zh-CN locales.
* Fixed integration with MAF.
* Fixed integration with ScrapBook.
* Fixed Toolbar icon size.
* Fixed position item in Tool menu.
* Fix Save MHT does not work when server returns Location field.
* Fix Content-Location field is wrong when server returns Location field.
* Fixed MHT file is converted again in [Convert HTML to MHT].
* Fixed rewriting attribute is wrong in OBJECT element.
* Fixed encoding of mailer argument URI is wrong.
* Fixed storing unmht scheme URI into MHT file when saving MHT file with [Current state as MHT].
* Fixed MHT file is not stored correctly in MHT file.
* Fixed [Remember last used folder globally] does not work when remembering per Site.
* Improve [Save multiple tabs as MHT] error handling.
* Fixed [Save multiple tabs as MHT] dialog grows longer when save.
* Fixed [Save multiple tabs as MHT] index page is wrond.
* Fixed failed to save MHT file which contains the part which does not contain Content-Location.
* Fixed cid scheme reference which does not exist is not removed when opening MHT.
* Fixed %FILE% varianble is not UTF-8 encoded in [Send page as MHT by E-Mail].
* Fixed [Send page as MHT by E-Mail] does not work when filename or title contains comma/quotation.
* Fixed failed to recognize CSS @import statement.
* Fixed [Custom Filename] cannot be used in Thunderbird.
* Fixed [Save as MHT] button is enabled even if document is not shown.
* Fixed last modified time format in confirm dialog when same filename exists.
* Show original address in [Original File] in page info.
* Compatiblility with Firefox 17.x.
* Compatiblility with Thunderbird 17.x.
* Compatiblility with Seamonkey 2.14.x
* Dropped support for Firefox older than 16.
* Dropped support for Thunderbird older than 16.
* Dropped support for SeaMonkey older than 2.13.
* Dropped support for Fennec, Prism, Flock, Netscape and Mozilla Suite.
* Remove old style toolbar button preferences (If you use this style, please add it from Toolbar Customize Dialog).
* Removed preference of turn on/off (Please turn on/off from Addon Manager).
* Removed preferences of filter extraction and external loading (Offlime mode is not removed).
* Removed preferences of ignoring CSS when extracting.
Works with SeaMonkey 2.13 - 2.14.*
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Version 318.8 KiB Works with Firefox 1.0 - 17.*, SeaMonkey 1.0 - 2.0.*, Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.0.*

* Compatiblility with Firefox 16.x.
* Updated fr, zh-CN locale.
* Added variables MMM for custom filename.
* Improved [Save multiple tabs as MHT] dialog.
* Added additional URIs to index page in [Save multiple tabs as MHT].
* Use current tab group in [Save multiple tabs as MHT].
* Do not disable input field for custom filename in preferences dialog.
* Add option to remember last used directory globally.
Works with SeaMonkey 1.0 - 2.0.*
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Version 316.0 KiB Works with Firefox 1.0 - 16.*, SeaMonkey 1.0 - 2.0.*, Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.0.*

* Compatiblility with Firefox 14.x.
Works with SeaMonkey 1.0 - 2.0.*
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Version 316.0 KiB Works with Firefox 1.0 - 13.*, SeaMonkey 1.0 - 2.0.*, Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.0.*

* Compatiblility with Firefox 7.x.
* Add support to place icon on any place.
* Remove toolbar button frame.
Works with SeaMonkey 1.0 - 2.0.*
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Version 315.0 KiB Works with Firefox 1.0 - 5.*, SeaMonkey 1.0 - 2.0.*, Thunderbird 2.0 - 3.0.*

* Compatiblility with Firefox 4.0.
* Compatiblility with Fennec 2.0b1.
* Retrieve file from server when cached file is empty.
* Drop support for saving SVG file.
* Fix *.mhtml file cannot be opened.
* Fix [Save as MHT] does not work when last selected directory is not found.
* Add option to specify number of digits to append to filename when same fiename exists.
* Add option to do not generate index page in [Save multiple tabs as MHT]-[as single file].
* Fixed failed to extract when CSS in HTML contains ", etc.
* Add options to change title and description in index page in [Save multiple tabs as MHT]-[as single file].
* Fix esc key does not treat as cancel in confirm window.
* Add Option to show [Quick Save] in Context menu.
* Split [Send page as MHT by E-Mail] and Add [Save as MHT] into Context Menu.
* Ignore selection if selection is empty in [Save selection if selected].
* Fixed failed to handle the path which starts with "//".
* Fixed failed to display the MHT file which contains HTML with BASE element.
* Enable [Show list of not saved files] even if [Display progress in statusbar] is checked.
* Fixed [Convert]-[Select entire folder to convert] converts the file which is not .html + _files.
Works with SeaMonkey 1.0 - 2.0.*
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Version 5.6.0 311.0 KiB Works with Firefox 1.0 - 3.6.*

* Added option to limit length of title and filename in custom filename.
* Added option to hide [Send page as MHT by E-Mail].
* Added option to use selection for QuickSave.
* Added option to set time until alert is shown while extacting, saving.
* Added option to check none as default in [Save multiple tabs as MHT].
* Fixed file is overwritten without confirm in [Save as MHT], when filename without extension is inputted, and filename with extension is exists.
* Fixed cannot save the page with application/xhtml+xml.
* Fixed failed to refer the file in MHT if attribute value is not quoted correctly.
* Fixed failed to open the MHT file with boundary contains parenthesis.
* Fixed failed to resolve relative path in HTML.
* Fixed failed to save the webpage which contains link to the imap, mailbox, etc protocol.

Version 5.5.0 307.0 KiB Works with Firefox 1.0 - 3.6.*

* Added [Send page as MHT by E-Mail] feature.
* Added [Save as MHT] into frame menu.
* Display original url in page info dialog.
* Display selected tab counter in [Save multiple tabs as MHT] dialog.
* Ignore about:blank stored in MHT file.
* Add option to open save option dialog before Save Dialog.
* Add option to disable [Insert Link to original page] for local file.
* Focus on filename field when save format is single in [Save multiple tabs as MHT] dialog.
* Start saving when enter key is pressed in textbox in [Save multiple tabs as MHT] dialog.
* Updated many locales
* Compatiblility with Firefox 3.6.
* Compatiblility with SeaMonkey 2.0.x.
* Compatiblility with Thunderbird 3.0 (Save only).
* Compatiblility with Prism 1.0b2.
* Compatiblility with Fennec 1.0b5pre.
* Fixed failed to display images in MHT file saved from local file.
* Fixed UnMHT does not work on Thunderbird
* Fixed wrong replacement of relative path in JavaScript file.
* Fixed failed to open the MHT file which contains the tag with empty attribute.
* Save form values when saving with [Current State].
* Fixed the MHT file saved from local files is not extracted correctly.
* Fixed number of connections is not limited properly when retrieving file from server.
* Do not remove cache when it is expired.
* Fixed failed to display page correctly in some case when the file referred from MHT file contains query string in its URL.
* Rename [additional files] to [specified linked file].
* Fixed cannot open the link with fragment.
* Fixed title bar of additional files dialog is wrong.
* Fixed failed to display MHT file which uses Content-ID.
* Fixed top level Content-Location is ignored.

Version 5.4.0 335.0 KiB Works with Firefox 1.0 - 3.6.*, SeaMonkey 1.0a - 2.0.*

* Rename [Save all tabs as MHT] to [Save multiple tabs as MHT].
* Added [Check all/none] button in [Save multiple tabs as MHT].
* Checkin/unchecking tabs by dragging in [Save multiple tabs as MHT].
* Pre-fill filename text box for [Save multiple tabs as MHT]-[as a single file] by filename for first tab.
* Show errors when directory is not correct in [Save multiple tabs as MHT].
* Add skip button to skip saving of current tab in [Save multiple tabs as MHT].
* Added option to display progress bar of [Save as MHT], [Quick Save] in statusbar, instead of independent dialog.
* Avoid put full path for local file when converting HTML to MHT.
* Preserve last modification time in [convert HTML to MHT].
* Add [Convert HTML files in directory to MHT].
* Rename button label of [Convert HTML files to MHT].
* Added variables for custom filename.
* Improve extaction speed.
* Add filter to surpress external loading from MHT file.
* Add option to apply [Load image automatically] in brower's preferences to MHT document.
(Exceptions are not supported)
* Support XML document which uses XSLT.
* Added option to hide UnMHT menu in tool menu.
* Add option to save local file in same directory as original file.
* Replace radio buttons in dialog to dropdown menu.
* Improve text selection in [Save selection as MHT].
* Use memory cache mode except in old Mozilla.
* Set default setting of filename to page title.
* Support mhtml for file extension.
* Fixed failed to open when header field contains spaces around "=".
* Fixed failed to save page properly if server returns different page for different referrer.
(Send referrer to get file from server if avaiable.)
* Fixed failed to display MHT file correctly when URL in HTML file and Content-Location header escaped differently.
* Fixed failed to display MHT file correctly when filepath contains characters to be escaped.
* Fixed failed to display MHT file correctly when attribute value contains spaces.
* Fixed failed to display the MHT file saved from the HTML file extracted by UnMHT.
* Do not insert Link to original page in inline frame.
* Fixed filename filed is empty if [as a single file] is not selected last time in [Save multiple tabs as MHT].
* Avoid containing unmht scheme when saving the MHT file opened by UnMHT as MHT.
* Fixed failed to save the MHT file as MHT with [Original file].
* Fixed failed to handle the base URI which contains multi-byte characters.
* Fixed failed to open the MHT file which does not contain charset in Content-Type header.
* Fixed saving duplicated data scheme content.
* Fixed infinite saving when URL contains heading spaces.
* Improve URL replacement in JavaScript.
* Fixed last directory is not stored correctly in [Save multiple tabs as MHT].
* Improve check of load from MHT file.
* Fixed reference name does not have extension when original URI has query string.
* Fixed garble caused by no re-encode of entity reference.
* Fixed ignoring empty files in MHT.
* Fixed return root document for non-exist file reference in MHT.
* Fixed failed to store images referred from background-image in some case.
* Fixed loading filter denies all CSS requests.
* Fixed failed to save document when SCRIPT element or STYLE element contain element other than text node.
* Fixed failed to open MHT file which contains spaces in Header value.
* Fixed failed to display dynamically inserted image when which has non-full-path.
Works with SeaMonkey 1.0a - 2.0.*
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Version 266.0 KiB Works with Firefox 1.0 - 3.5.*

* Compatiblility with Firefox 3.5.

Version 5.2.0 267.0 KiB Works with Firefox 1.0 - 3.5.*

* Add [Save as MHT + additional files] feature
(You can choose it by file type in saving dialog)
* Add save selection as MHT feature.
* Save non-HTML tab to single MHT file in [Save all tabs as MHT].
* Changed handling mechanism from nsIContentHandler to nsIDocumentLoaderFactory.
* Changed status indicator of [Save all tabs as MHT].
* Fixed message is not shown on overwrite confirm dialog of [Save all tabs as MHT].
* Fixed abort button does not work on overwrite confirm dialog of [Save all tabs as MHT].
* Fixed failed to save XML Document.
* Fixed UnMHT does not work on Thunderbird
* Fixed fail to open the MHT file which contains upper-case letters in Content-Type header.
* Support the MHT file which newline code is not uniformed.
* Make base64 decoder more flexible.
* Fixed failed to open the file which has complex Content-Location header.

Version 260.0 KiB Works with Firefox 1.0 - 3.1b2

* Fixed framed page is not saved correctly.
* Fixed does not work on old Mozilla.
* Fixed UnMHT does not work on uk locale.