Session Manager Version History

93 versions

Be careful with old versions!

These versions are displayed for reference and testing purposes. You should always use the latest version of an add-on.

Version 462.0 KiB Works with Firefox 3.6 - 8.0a1, SeaMonkey 2.1 - 2.5a1

  • Additions:
    • Added the do_not_color_toolbar_button hidden, logging_to_console, update_message and allowNamedReplace hidden preferences to options window.
    • Added option to not overwrite app tabs when loading sessions. This does not apply when loading the previous browsing or crashed session at startup since the app tabs are already in those sessions. Be careful using this as it could result in the app tab duplicating if loaded session contains the same app tab.
    • Added option to hide icon from menu item in tools and app menu.
    • Added name and url of last closed tab to undo toolbar button.
    • Added Greek and Slovenian locales
  • Fixes:
    • Fixed issue that could prevent the "Save and restore at startup" button from appearing at shutdown.
    • Fixed issue where open window sessions at the time of a crash would not be saved if user chose to not restore the crashed session.
    • Update options window if preferences are changed while window is open.
    • Changed the tools and app menu icon so it should display correctly in OS X.
    • Fixed potential issue that could occur when importing settings saved under an older version of Session Manager.
    • When appending tabs to a window, attempt to keep tab grouping. Might not always work since Firefox's grouping functionality doesn't use session data.
    • Fix for potential compatibility issue with Firefox 7. The change to Firefox 7 might be reverted before it is released, but I fixed my code anyway.
    • Update toolbar button tooltips when leaving tab groups UI.
    • When opening multiple windows at startup (for example clicking a link in another program), don't overwrite the additional windows when loading a session at startup.
    • Restore autosave and window sessions loaded from previous browsing session at startup.
    • Prevent multiple session prompts from displaying at startup.
    • Fixed issue where session backup files may not be removed if user chooses to not save any backup files.
  • Changes:
    • Updated text in save window to indicate that right clicking on an existing session will display that session's contents.
    • When deleting part of a session show different confirmation prompt then when deleting entire session.
    • Updated text in delete window to indicate that individual tabs can be deleted from sessions.
    • Moved all menu items that open the Session Manager session window to a sub-group. In Firefox 4 and up, clicking the group name itself opens the load window.
    • Attempt to use safe file writing at all times, if possible. This should prevent any possibility of corrupting existing sessions when overwriting them.
  • Removed:
    • Removed support for Firefox 3.5 and SeaMonkey 2.0. APIs that are required by Session Manager are not in these versions and they aren't supported by Mozilla any way.
    • Removed Cache Fixer since it tends to corrupt the cache file data which can cause Firefox to crash. See Firefox bug 529733, specifically comment 37.
Works with SeaMonkey 2.1 - 2.5a1
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Version 430.0 KiB Works with Firefox 3.5 - 6.*, SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.3.*

1. Fixed issued where backup sessions might not be created successfully on shutdown.
2. Fixed issued in SeaMonkey where user could not restore closed tabs/windows if Session Manager toolbar was not visible.
3. Fixed issue where user could not exit browser after changing encryption setting when there were no saved sessions.
4. Added tooltip and URL in status bar (or Firefox 4 status popup) when hovering over closed tab toolbar button and closed tab menu items.
Works with SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.3.*
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Version 429.0 KiB Works with Firefox 3.5 - 4.0.*, SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.1b3

0.7.4 changes:
  • Fixed issue where Clear Private Data check box list would not expand properly if it was collapsed when the window was first opened.
  • Minor tweaks to SeaMonkey toolbar icon sizes.
  • Updated de and sk locales.

0.7.3 changes:
  • Fixed issue with toolbar icon being wrong size for some people.
  • Save privacy preference if user sets it to clear sessions on shutdown in Firefox.
Works with SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.1b3
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Version 433.0 KiB Works with Firefox 3.5 - 4.0.*, SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.1b3

  • Fixed issue with browser window moving to first monitor in a multi-monitor setup.
  • Fixed conflicts with other add-ons overlaying the clear private data window.
  • Fixed issue with titlebar getting resized in Firefox 4 under Windows Vista and 7 when tabs were displayed in the titlbar.
  • Fixed regression bug where when using the "Clear Private Data" functionality to remove Session Manager sessions, would delete all sessions regardless of the "Age" setting selected.
  • When using the "Clear Private Data" functionality to clear Session Manager sessions and selecting an "Age", also remove deleted sessions.
  • If there is an I/O error, put name of file or path in the alert box.
  • Fixed some scaling issues with the toolbar icons in Firefox 4. They aren't perfect, but they're better than what was previously displayed.
Works with SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.1b3
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Version 432.0 KiB Works with Firefox 3.5 - 4.0.*, SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.1b2

  • Fixed bug introduced in 0.7 when checking to see if user specified session folder is a directory. Would only cause a problem if user specified a file as the user specified session folder.
  • Fixed issue where continuous errors would popup if user specified a session folder path that did not exist and could not be created. Session Manager will put up a one time error in this case and then use the default session folder.
  • Fixed exception introduced in 0.7 that could occur when closing last browser window under OS X.

Notes for 0.7

    • Additions:
      • Compatible with Firefox 4.0
      • Added Session Manager menu to Firefox 4.0 application menu. Currently hidden if user sets to hide toolbar menu.
      • Added Deleted sessions sub-menu and settings. Clicking a session in the deleted group will restore the session. The session can be permanently deleted by right clicking on it and selecting delete. The length of time that deleted sessions are kept is controllable by an option in the "General -> Saving & Restoring" options.
      • Added ability to change "browser.sessionstore.max_concurrent_tabs" setting in Firefox 4. This setting controls how many tabs to load simultaneously in Firefox 4.
      • Added URL to tooltip for closed tabs.
      • Added color coding of the Session Manager toolbar button to tell if there is a window session and/or auto-session loaded: <span style="color:yellow;">yellow</span> for window sessions, <span style="color:aqua;">aqua</span> for window sessions and <span style="color:lawngreen;">lawngreen</span> for both. This can be disabled by setting the extensions.{1280606b-2510-4fe0-97ef-9b5a22eafe30}.do_not_color_toolbar_button hidden preference to true.
      • Added tooltip to Session Manager toolbar button that lists the current active window and autosave sesisons.
      • If the preference is set, active session names are now listed in the titlebar in Firefox 4 when menu toolbar is hidden, unless the window is maximized such that tabs are displayed in the titlebar.
      • Added new larger icons for Firefox 4 add-ons menu.
      • Added icon to Session Manager menu in tools and application menu.
      • Added option to not log to console when logging is enabled - extensions.{1280606b-2510-4fe0-97ef-9b5a22eafe30}.logging_to_console
    • Changes:
      • If the users selects to use their own session folder, use that folder to store the session files instead of creating a "sessions" folder in that folder.
      • Don't backup sessions with no windows in them. This prevents creating corrupted session files, but doesn't fix underlying issue with Firefox returning empty sessions.
      • If a session has no session windows or tabs in it but does have closed window data, restore the closed window. This works around an issue that sometimes occurs at shutdown, where the active window in a backup session is changed into a closed window.
      • Changes to show URL of closed tabs in Awesome bar in Firefox 4. Also now works with Status-4 Evar add-on.
      • Show the "All Files" filter when loading settings file.
      • Move Clear Windows menu item before Clear Tabs menu item to match order of closed windows and tabs.
      • Sessions with nothing but closed windows are no longer considered empty. They will be backed up.
    • Fixes:
      • Fixed major problem when asynchronously reading session files containing Unicode, which would cause Unicode characters to be replaced with garbage characters. Asynchronously reading was introduce in 0.6.9 for enabling/disabling encryption, saving crashed window sessions and doing the one time conversion of Firefox 3 formatted sessions to the new format. Unfortunately there is no way to fix sessions that ended up with garbage characters in them.
      • Prevent creating a backup session if the browser window is never displayed (i.e. no session is created).
      • Fixed error that caused the clear undo tabs, windows, all prompt from displaying even if user chose not to display them again.
      • Prevent browser windows in sessions from loading off screen.
      • Fix possible cause of exception when trying to move corrupted session to corrupted folder.
      • When appending to an auto-save session, don't make the auto-save session active as doing so can result it the session being overwritten instead of appended to.
      • When permanently enabling Private Browsing mode, backup the current session regardless if the setting to saved replaced sessions is set or not.
      • Fixed issue where Session Manager would fail to move corrupt sessions to the corrupt sessions folder and continue to put up errors instead.
      • Switching a loaded auto or window session's group will now preserve the group when the session is auto-saved.
      • Fixed issue with auto and window sessions losing group and stored resolution if no value is entered for time when saved.
      • Fixed issue with name "Session Manager" showing as default name when right clicking and changing group of sessions in tools menu.
      • Work around bug 629291 - Issue with trying to overwrite files with unicode characters creating a new file with unicode characters being replaced by underscores.
    • Removals:
      • Removed compatibility with Firefox 3.0.x. It's old, time to upgrade.
Works with SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.1b2
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Version 381.0 KiB Works with Firefox 3.0 - 4.0.*, SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.1b2

Fixed issue with Session Manager toolbar and options window not displaying correctly when Modern Theme is used in SeaMonkey.
Works with SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.1b2
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Version 381.0 KiB Works with Firefox 3.0 - 4.0b8pre, SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.1b2

  • Fixed the reload tab functionality which broke in
  • Fixed issue which resulted in duplicated or missing sessions being displayed in the Session window. This was a display issue only.
Works with SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.1b2
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Version 381.0 KiB Works with Firefox 3.0 - 4.0b8pre, SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.1b2

  • When importing Session Manager settings, some imported settings weren't being reflected in the options window. This has been corrected.
  • Sessions with no tabs were being marked as corrupted when they are no longer considered so. Zero tab sessions were being created in Firefox 4 (Minefield), but that should no longer occur in the latest nightlies. It can still happen in beta 7 though.
  • Session Manager 0.6.9 had a bug when reading sessions in certain cases where it wasn't converting the OS newline character to the internally used 0x000a character. This was causing sessions that were converted from Firefox 3 format to become corrupted and disappear. This issue has been fixed and any corrupted sessions will automatically be fixed after is installed so they will be visible again.
  • Fixed issue with closed tab and window list only showing one entry when that list was not shown in a submenu. Thanks to Alan Baxter.
Works with SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.1b2
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Version 0.6.9 380.0 KiB Works with Firefox 3.0 - 4.0b8pre, SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.1b2

  • Additions:
    • Allow user to choose tabs to save for "Save Window".
    • Added a "Keep Session Manager window open" check box and only keep the session manager window open if it's checked. The check box is "sticky", so it will default to whatever it was last time the window closed.
    • Added option to use Firefox's crash prompt.
    • Added a reset warning option to reset the warnings that people chose to "not show again".
    • Added ability to import/export settings.
    • Added support for hot keys. These can be set in the General options preference. Hot keys are required to use at least one modifier if CTRL is used, otherwise more than one modifier is required. Note that hot keys may not work if the hot key sequence is already being used by the browser or other add-ons. Session Manager has no way of checking for this so there won't be any warnings if you enter a hot key that's already in use.
    • Added separate clear closed tabs and clear closed windows menu items. They are only visible if there are both closed tabs and closed windows in the closed list.
    • Added indicator in windows/tabs tree to show which tabs are hidden and what groups they are in. Only works in Firefox 4.0b4 and up.
    • Show warning colors (yellow) and tooltip if permanent private browsing mode is enabled and user wants to backup sessions and/or restore the previous browsing session. Neither will work in permanent private browsing mode.
    • Added warning alert that saving and backing up sessions won't work if permanent private browsing mode is enabled. This can be disabled.
    • Allow restoring closed tabs by middle clicking on them. This will leave the menu closed menu open.
    • Show what tabs are hidden and in what groups (if any) in Firefox 4.0b4 and higher since with Tab Candy tabs may not be visible, but will still be saved.
    • Added option to save backups on browser restart. This was previously a hidden preference.
    • Allow user to use non-ASCII characters when saving. This allows filenames with non-English characters.
  • Changes:
    • Removed all background thread processing from the add-on to prevent crashes. Use asynchronous read (all) and writes (Firefox 3.6 and up) are now used instead. This only affects the "change encryption" and "save crashed window session" processing.
    • Firefox 4 currently has a tendency to not return valid session data at shutdown so work around this by storing session data at quit-application-granted. This prevents backup and auto-save sessions from being corrupted when existing the browser using File->Exit.
    • Lessen the restrictions used to determine if a session is marked as corrupted. Sessions with no tabs are now considered "okay" since Firefox 4 can generate them currently. Though they probably aren't that useful.
    • Checking the "reload" option now causes Session Manager to bypass the browser cache on a load instead of actually doing a reload. This allows the features to work with the new cascading tab loading features in Minefield. It's also faster.
    • Hide the option to clear closed tabs in SeaMonkey 2.0.x since it doesn't work in that version.
    • Don't show use browser crash prompt in Firefox 3.0 since it doesn't work there.
  • Fixes:
    • Fix for option to restore a closed tab using middle click not working in Minefield.
    • Fixed loading session at startup in Minefield.
    • Fixed issue with save prompt, where group name wouldn't clear when clicking on an existing session in a group and then typing in a different session name.
    • Fixed bug where saving window sessions when resuming from a crash would not work if encryption was enabled.
    • Fixed bug in "Cache Fixer" that was causing it not to work.
    • Fixed bug where closing the last open browser window under OS X wasn't saving either the currently open autosave session or a backup session.
    • Fix clearing all closed tabs at once under SeaMonkey 2.1 beta.
    • Prevent user from using invalid or O/S restricted file name when saving
    • .
Works with SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.1b2
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Version 342.0 KiB Works with Firefox 3.0 - 4.0b3, SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.1b1

  • Fixed Bug 23047 - Needed to add a delay when reloading tabs not displaying the most recent history item.
  • When the rename window displays after right clicking on a session and choosing rename, focus on the text box in the window.

  • Shutdown prompt now works in Firefox 4.0 betas and nightlies.
  • Fix issues with SeaMonkey

  • Fixed broken ru-RU locale. Also changed locale name from ru-RU to ru since that's the current standard.
  • When using the extensions.{1280606b-2510-4fe0-97ef-9b5a22eafe30}.allowNamedReplace hidden preference, prompt before overwriting existing sessions.
Works with SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.1b1
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Version 0.6.8 341.0 KiB Works with Firefox 3.0 - 4.0b3pre, SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.1a3

  • Additions:
    • When saving a session, the windows and tabs to save can be selected. Note that the way this currently works, is that the current session's windows and tabs, which update in real time, will display no matter what session is selected. To see the contents of existing sessions, right click on the existing session.
    • Cache sessions at startup using a background thread.
    • Donations link in Add-ons window in Firefox 3.6 and earlier.
    • Added hidden preference "extensions.{1280606b-2510-4fe0-97ef-9b5a22eafe30}.allowNamedReplace" which if set to true will cause double clicking a session name in the save window to the replace existing session, but use the default session name.
  • Changes:
    • Compatibility updates for Firefox 4.0
    • Setting to "Reload all restored windows" now reloads instantly instead of waiting for session to load first.
    • Change the code that fixed the closed window list so that if the user cancels the master password prompt 3 times, it deletes the closed window list.
    • Only save temporary backup copy if user sets to resume last session. No longer save if set to prompt on startup.
    • SeaMonkey 2.1 fixes the bug that prevents closed tabs from being restored or deleted so don't hide close tab restoration preferences in SeaMonkey 2.1.
    • Starting with Firefox 4.0, sessions saved under Firefox 3.0 or earlier won't load, so sessions saved under Firefox 3.0 or earlier will be converted to the latest session format when Firefox 4.0 is run. Session Manager will make a backup copy of these sessions in a "Old_Format_Sessions" folder in the sessions folder. The new format sessions will load in Firefox 3.0, but not all items will be restored.
    • When restoring the previous browsing session or the last crashed browser session, window sessions that were open will be restored if their window is restored. Currently "window session" windows show as bolded italic.
    • Toolbar icons now have Firefox 4.0's disabled look.
    • The Session Window is now non-modal for everything except for saving a window, prompting on a crash and prompting at startup. The window will now remain open until specifically canceled (closed). In addition the functionality of the window can be changed from the window itself.
    • Changed preference branch from extensions.sessionmanager.* to extensions.{1280606b-2510-4fe0-97ef-9b5a22eafe30}.* (Session Manager's GUID). Old preferences will be migrated over.
    • Operating System is now logged so I don't have to keep asking people what O.S. they are using when looking at log files.
    • Fade out Session Manager toolbar icon, but not drop down arrow when in private browsing mode to indicate that saving is disabled.
    • When saving, selecting a tab label or pressing enter when tab is selected, will fill the text box with that tab's label as a session name.
    • When saving, right clicking on an existing session will show you the contents of that session in a popup panel. Press esacpe or click outside the panel to close.
    • Gray out logging category check boxes when logging is disabled to indicate that the top checkbox controls all the others.
    • Locale changes: de-DE is now de, fr-FR is now fr, nl-NL is now nl.
  • Fixes:
    • Added work around for Firefox bug 488587.
    • Fixed problem where location bar won't allow input on restart when only pop-up window remains (OS X only) - See Firefox bug 519099.
    • When changing encryption only put one one error alert, no matter how many fail.
    • Fix issue with load window height growing taller every time it is closed with the windows/tabs list open.
    • Fixed issue where 1 old backup would be saved if user set to save 0 old backups and also set to not backup sessions.
    • No longer get errors when trying to save sessions with an * in the name (at least under Windows).
    • Try to work around error that occurs when SessionStore is prevented from initializing correctly by another addon.
    • Fix regression compatibility issue with Tab Mix Plus's Single Window mode.
    • Fix issue where undo button might not be enabled when there were closed windows or tabs available on Firefox startup.
    • Try to prevent the session prompt window from opening off-screen.
    • Also try to keep the session prompt window from enlarging off-screen.
    • Finally make sure user doesn't resize the session prompt window too small to show the dialog buttons.
    • Groups with special regular expression characters in them will no longer prevent the session prompt (load, save, etc) from displaying.
    • Groups with ^ character in them will be displayed correctly.
    • Don't adjust the window aspect ratio when loading a window if multiple monitors are detected.
    • Fixed bug with registering for Tab Events (using wrong XUL object which doesn't work in Firefox 4.0).
    • Exception no longer thrown when browser shuts down with multiple windows open in nightly Minefield loads. This was causing session backups to not save.
    • Some positioning issues with toolbar icons in Seamonkey's Modern theme.
    • Window sessions that were opened when the browser crashed are now saved in the case where the user chooses not to restore the crashed session or chooses to restore specific windows and tabs in the crashed session.
    • Fixed bug 22805: Extra window no longer opens when specifying a session name on the browser command prompt and the "replace existing windows" setting is disabled.
    • Session/Crash prompt appearing at browser startup is now centered and sized correctly.
    • Window sessions saved at browser shutdown, will now always save the correct screen width and height. Previously there was a chance of this being saved as "null".
    • Issue with backup sessions's group name not being visible when selected.
    • Fixed bug where window sessions saved when restoring from a crash were changed into regular auto-save sessions.
    • When saving, Append button is now disabled when Replace button is disabled.
    • Session List no longer grows when unchecking auto save check box.
    • Fixed issues with SeaMonkey: that session names weren't showing in title bar, the new save session window wasn't working and a few other errors that prevented window sessions from working.
    • Switched to using lazy getters instead of constants to allow D2D to be enabled in Firefox 4.0.
    • Work around high CPU usage issue with Session Manager window open in Firefox 3.6 and up.
    • Fixed Bug 22980 - Checking auto-save checkbox with keyboard doesn't unhide autosave time textbox.
    • Fixed Bug 22981 - If option is set to load last browser session set and auto-save session was open when browser was shut down, then old session wasn't restored.
    • Lots of fixes to logging.
  • Removals:
Works with SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.1a3
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Version 286.0 KiB Works with Firefox 3.0 - 3.7a2pre, SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.1a1pre

1. Fixed issue where the header in session files saved after a crash (backup or autosave) could become corrupted.
2. Fixed error prompts that should have appeared on a Session or I/O error.
3. Fixed file naming issue where a space could end up being a "_". This could cause a session to duplicate in extremely rare cases.
Works with SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.1a1pre
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Version 286.0 KiB Works with Firefox 3.0 - 3.7a1pre, SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.1a1pre

Fixed the following locales which were broken in and ca, da-DK, fi-FI, it-IT, lt-LT, mk-MK, sr-RS, tr-TR
Works with SeaMonkey 2.0 - 2.1a1pre
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Version 0.6.7 288.0 KiB Works with Firefox 3.0 - 3.7a1pre, SeaMonkey 2.0b2pre - 2.1a1pre

* Added: Window Sessions -- create by saving a window and checking the auto-save checkbox
* Added: Ability to append the current session or window to an existing session when saving via the save window - see documentation.
* Added: Ability to delete specified tabs from an existing session - see documentation.
* Added: Ability to load session(s) by specifying the session file name(s) on command line or by "opening" .session files from explorer (or other O/S equivalent) as long as .session files are associated with the browser.
* Added: Option to save sessions in private browsing mode, only if encryption is enabled.
* Added "extensions.sessionmanager.backup_on_restart" hidden preference which if set to true, causes Session Manager to create a backup session on a browser restart.
* Added: Logging code to help with debugging.
* Added: Save screen width and height in session file and when a restore is done, adjust the window to the current screen size.
* Added: Right click menu item to abandon or close open auto and window sessions.
* Added: Add option as to where in titlebar (if anywhere) to display active session name.
* Fixed: Bug 21774 - Added tooltip for session and undo tabs and windows names.
* Fixed: Issue with session manager throwing exception when backing up sessions when Mr Tech Toolkit is installed and set to close all child windows when main window is closed.
* Fixed: Issues where Session Manager could overwrite existing tabs on startup if tab mix plus's single window mode was active.
* Fixed: Toolbar icons in SeaMonkey. SeaMonkey doesn't use the same size icons as Firefox.
* Fixed: If session file header was corrupt and session data was encrypted, the session might not decrypt correctly.
* Fixed: Error with converting old sessionmanager 0.4.2 format to new format (was leaving off {} around session data).
* Fixed: Issue when closing last window under OS X not saving session.
* Fixed: Don't display a "-" in the title bar when an auto-save session isn't loaded.
* Fixed: Works with latest trunk loads.
* Changed: The "Treat closing last open browser window as shutting down" option will now be set by default under OS X.
* Changed: Allow saving of a "window session" with only one window open, to allow creating a window session with only one window open.
* Changed: Optimized the displaying of the closed window and tab list and the shutdown processing.
* Changed: Don't display already loaded auto and window sessions in "Load" window.
* Changed: Always load in a new window if the "Load (Append to Current Session)" right click menu item is used.
* Changed: The Session Manager quit prompt now overrides the built in browser quit prompt. It also now contains a cancel button to cancel shut down. In Firefox 3.0 and 3.5 closing the last browser window puts up a "close tab" prompt which Session Manager does not override. In Firefox 3.6 and above, closing the last browser window will put up a quit prompt, which session manager will override.
* Changed: When reloading tabs, only reload web pages (http:// and https://). This prevents issues caused by reloading chrome pages.
* Changed: Move the rename, delete and group menu items to top of Session Manager menu and put a seperator between it and any auto-save or window menu items.
* Updated: Locales
Works with SeaMonkey 2.0b2pre - 2.1a1pre
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Version 261.0 KiB Works with Firefox 3.0 - 3.7a1pre, SeaMonkey 2.0a3pre - 2.1a1pre

* Fixed: Bug 21145 - Session Manager will now remember the previous browser startup option when Session Manager is selected to prompt or load a session at startup. Thus if the user had previously selected to show the home page at startup and then chose to use Session Manager, the home page would still display when opening new windows and if the user cancels the session prompt at startup. This is how things worked prior to 0.6.6.

* Fixed: Bug 21148 - No longer overrides the built in String.trim function in Firefox 3.5.

* Fixed: Minor issue with Session Manager's option window when the browser.preferences.instantApply is set to true.

* Fixed: No longer displays a second session prompt, if the user cancels the crash prompt.

* Fixed: If the browser crashed just as an update was about to be installed and Session Manager was set to prompt for a session, the update message page would not display. This has been fixed.

* Update: Don't display both loaded session and browser home page in SeaMonkey.

* Updated: Locales
Works with SeaMonkey 2.0a3pre - 2.1a1pre
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Version 261.0 KiB Works with Firefox 3.0 - 3.6a1pre, SeaMonkey 2.0a3pre - 2.0b1

* Fixed: Bug 20787 - error no longer occurs when opening closed window list (or Tools Session Manager menu) in Firefox 3.0 when encryption is enabled.
* Fixed: Issue with the displaying of the undo items not being correctly enabled or disabled when using the built-in closed window list with both the closed window count and closed tab count set to 0.
* Fixed: Error that happens when opening the session menu after adding/removing buttons from toolbar.
* Fixed: Sanitize on shutdown for Firefox 3.5
* Fixed: Sanitize preferences for Firefox 3.5
* Fixed: Height of clear recent history window so we can see our checkbox.
* Added: Confirmation box when checking Session Manager check box in Clear Recent History window.
Works with SeaMonkey 2.0a3pre - 2.0b1
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Version 0.6.6 254.0 KiB Works with Firefox 3.0 - 3.6a1pre, SeaMonkey 2.0a3pre - 2.0b1

Note: Not all locales have been fully updated.

1. Removed support for Firefox 2. As of this release, Session Manager only supports the Mozilla 1.9 and above branches of the Mozilla code. This includes Firefox 3 and above (as well as any browser based on those versions) and SeaMonkey 2.0. The main reason I removed support for Firefox 2 is that Firefox 2 is not supported by Mozilla and as such contains a number of security flaws so no one shouuld be running it. The other reason is it allowed me to remove all the work arounds I had to add for Firefox 2 and to continue to go forward without having to worry about adding something that breaks Firefox 2.

1. Firefox 3.5 now has a built-in closed window list. Session Manager will now default to use the built-in closed window list instead of it's own internal closed window list in Firefox 3.5. The difference between the browser built-in closed window list and Session Manager's closed window list is that the built-in closed windows list is actually part of the session data, similar to the closed tab list. Session Manager's closed window list is stored separated from the session data. So basically using the built-in closed window list allows closed windows to be saved in sessions and restored when those sessions are loaded while using Session Manager's closed window list allows the list to persist across browser sessions without loading a session. Because of the differences between the two methods, when using the built-in closed window list the option to clear or keep the closed window list at browser shutdown is not available (since it's not applicable) and an option to persist the closed window data in sessions (similar to the existing closed tabs option) is added. See the option documentation for more info.

2. The closed window list now displays the favicon of first tab in the closed window.

3. The closed window list now displays the number of tabs in the closed window in parenthesis.

4. Added previously hidden preferences to options window:
- "Open session as tab in current window" - When enabled, sessions will default to opening as tabs in the existing window instead of opening in a window. This basically works like Tab Mix Plus's single window mode, except that it doesn't preventing opening new windows and can be overridden by the key modifier or right click menu items. Warming: this differs slightly from the way this preference used to work in 0.6.5.
- "Treat closing last window as shutdown" - When enabled, Sesson Manager will treat closing the last browser window as if the browser has shut down, even if the browser process has not exitted. Basically this causes Session Manager to do it's backup processing if all browser windows are closed, but the browser does not exit. OS X users may want to check this since Firefox continues to run on OS X even after all browser windows are closed.

5. There is now an option to append to the current window in the "Load Session..." window. This will load the session as tabs in the existing window.

6. Added a hidden preference "extensions.sessionmanager.update_message" which defaults to "true". When set to false, Session Manager will never display the documentation page after an update. I only have Session Manager do this if the documentation changes, so I recommend leaving this set to "true".

7. Added option to pre-select the last backed up session when prompting for a session at startup. This allows the last session to be loaded by simplying clicking load or hitting enter at the prompt, instead of having to manually select the session first.

8. When the browser is shut down while in private browsing mode, Session Manager will now back up the session that existed prior to entering private browsing mode. If the browser started in private browing mode, nothing is backed up.

9. Added Session Manager startup options to browser startup options window.

10. Officially compatible with Flock.

11. Added ca, uk-UA and sr-RS locales. Not all translations have been updated.

1. Backup sessions now obey the Session Manager persistance options with respect to saving closed tabs and windows.

2. Can now open URLs from the command line in SeaMonkey when Session Manager is set to prompt for sessions.

3. Tweaks to keep advanced pane from opening too small and for the select session session menu from being too wide in the options window.

4. Changed the way favicons are displayed in undo list for SSL pages to prevent triggering an error box if the SSL certificate is invalid. This can result in the favicon not being displayed if it is no longer cached.

5. Fix for issue with wrong tab being selected at browser startup in Firefox 3.5 when restoring windows and tabs from previous session.

6. Made "tick" marks in session load window easier to see when the tab row is selected.

7. Fixed issue with backing up sessions when entering private browsing mode.

1. Session Manager now defaults to saving and restoring closed tabs and windows.

2. The undo menu now crops text in the center instead of at the end.

3. Replaced "folder" icon with "window" icons in tab tree in the session load window. This matches the change in Firefox 3.5.
Works with SeaMonkey 2.0a3pre - 2.0b1
View other versions

Version 0.6.5 240.0 KiB Works with Firefox 2.0 - 3.6a1pre, SeaMonkey 2.0a3pre - 2.0b1

* Fix: Now really works correctly in Firefox again (though I don't recommend using Firefox
* Fix: Closed tabs can be removed in Firefox 3.5b4.
* Fix: If the user starts the browser by clicking on a link in another program and then selects to load a session with multiple windows when prompted at startup, don't automatically combine all the windows into a single window.
* Fix: Closed tabs can now be restored when loading a session at browser start without overwriting existing tabs.
* Change: Session labels in the session manager menu are now cropped in the center instead of the end.
* Change: When Firefox is restarted, any active auto-save sessions are saved to the session file.
* Change: Worked around Firefox bug 487219 in Firefox 3.5b4 by restoring any active auto-save session that isn't automatically loaded when Firefox restarts.
* Change: In the "Clear Recent History" window, the checkbox to clear Session Manager saved session was moved into the Details area in Firefox 3.5.
* Addition: Added a hideable column to display the URL for tabs in session prompt window.
* Addition: Added prompt when overwriting sessions
* Addition: Added hidden preference "extensions.sessionmanager.append_by_default". If this is set to true and the "Replace Existing Windows" option is checked, then loaded session will be appended to the current window instead of replacing all existing windows. Basically Session Manager will behave as if the user held down the CTRL key when loading the session. See
Works with SeaMonkey 2.0a3pre - 2.0b1
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Version 237.0 KiB Works with Firefox 2.0 - 3.6a1pre, SeaMonkey 2.0a3pre - 2.0b1

1. Session Manager now works in Firefox again (broke in - I recommend updating to Firefox 3.0.x since I'm going to stop officially supporting Firefox when Firefox 3.5 comes out.

2. Updated pl-PL locale
Works with SeaMonkey 2.0a3pre - 2.0b1
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Version 237.0 KiB Works with Firefox 2.0 - 3.6a1pre, SeaMonkey 2.0a3pre - 2.0b1

* Fix: Workaround for Firefox bug 485563 - can now load sessions that contain certain specific unicode characters
* Fix: Workaround issue with being able to remove tabs from the closed tabs lists in Minefield 3.6a1pre until fix for Firefox bug 461634 is implemented.
* Enhancement: Added buttons to select all tabs, no tabs or invert selection of the tabs in the session prompt window.
* Enhancement: When displaying the session prompt on browser start up (crash recovery or prompt) move the window so that it will display fulling on screen.
Works with SeaMonkey 2.0a3pre - 2.0b1
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Version 235.0 KiB Works with Firefox 2.0 - 3.6a1pre, SeaMonkey 2.0a3pre - 2.0b1

Fix: Session backups are now created correctly in Firefox 3.1b3 if the browser is set to clear visited pages at shutdown.

Fix: Fix some issues with resizing the session prompt window.

Fix: Minor incompatibility with Tab Mix Plus's Single Window mode corrected.

Enhancement: Allow OS X users to use Command key instead of CTRL key when clicking on tab names and window folders in session prompt window.

Enhancement: Add ability to restore a single window by CTRL or Command clicking the window container in session prompt window.
Works with SeaMonkey 2.0a3pre - 2.0b1
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Version 234.0 KiB Works with Firefox 2.0 - 3.6a1pre, SeaMonkey 2.0a3pre - 2.0b1

* Fix: Bug 20614 - Don't force user to enter master password if there is no encrypted closed window data.
To prevent data corruption, needs to convert any encrypted closed window and session data to a new format right after it is installed. This triggers a prompt for the master password, if it is set in the browser. Session Manager incorrectly triggered this prompt even if there was no encrypted data. This has been fixed for As the prompt only appeared once after installing, this fix will only affect people who have not installed

* Fix: The tab list will now display tabs' favicons for sessions saved under Firefox 2.0 and 3.0.

* Fix: Forgot to add the session prompt folder icons for SeaMonkey 2.0.

* Enhancement: The session prompt window will now remember the tab tree height in addition to the session tree height.

* Enhancement: Prevent the user from shrinking the session prompt window such that the dialog buttons are no longer visible.
Works with SeaMonkey 2.0a3pre - 2.0b1
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Version 232.0 KiB Works with Firefox 2.0 - 3.6a1pre, SeaMonkey 2.0a3pre - 2.0b1

* Fix: Bug 20599 - Users will no longer receive "JSON.stringify" errors in Firefox 3.0.6 when certain extensions are installed.

* Fix: Bug 20597 - If encryption is enabled, sessions created in 0.6.4 will be corrupt they contain unicode data. This has been fixed. The first time the session list is displayed, old session files will need to be re-encoded to prevent to allow them to be decrypted correctly. If you have a lot of sessions, this will cause a brief to moderate delay depending on CPU speed. It will only occur once so please allow it to complete.

* Update: Updated locales.

Older notes from the deleted 0.6.4:

* Add: Ability to open the Session Prompt window and load specified tabs on demand. Use the new "Load Session..." menu item.
* Add: Official support for SeaMonkey 2.0a3. Note, Session Manager will only work in SeaMonkey 2.0, not 1.x.
* Fix: Imported sessions will obey the encryption setting.
* Fix: Grouping will no longer be lost when replacing a session using the right click "Replace Session" menu item.
* Fix: The session prompt window will now display icons when using themes.
* Fix: File->Exit now works again in Firefox 2.0 (broken in version
* Fix: Fixed memory leak that could occur when opening Firefox options.
* Enhancement: Use native JSON encoding/decoding functions in Firefox 3.1 and above. This should speed up session processing.
Works with SeaMonkey 2.0a3pre - 2.0b1
View other versions

Version 217.0 KiB Works with Firefox 2.0 - 3.6a1pre

1. There is now an option to no longer be prompted when deleting sessions via the right click menu.

2. Fixed the allowNamedReplace userChrome.js feature I broken in a recent version. Requires userChrome extension.

3. No longer uses eval(). See

Version 216.0 KiB Works with Firefox 2.0 - 3.6a1pre

* Trying to import sessions was improperly displaying the window/tab selection pane which caused errors. The window/tab selection pane should no longer display when multiple sessions can be selected.

* Updated locales

Version 216.0 KiB Works with Firefox 2.0 - 3.6a1pre

* Auto-save sessions will no longer lose their grouping and save periodicity when performing certain actions.

* Loaded auto-save sessions will be properly removed, when the group they are in is deleted.

Version 216.0 KiB Works with Firefox 2.0 - 3.6a1pre

The options window will now be sized correctly in Firefox

Version 215.0 KiB Works with Firefox 2.0 - 3.6a1pre

1. Selecting an encrypted session to load in the session prompt window will no longer give an error (unless the master password is not entered).

2. Fixed issue where user could potentially be allowed to select blank rows in the window/tab list.

Version 0.6.3 215.0 KiB Works with Firefox 2.0 - 3.6a1pre

1. Converted the Session Prompt list into a tree which allows the width of the columns to be resized and the columns can be hidden using the column picker tool. The column widths and hidden columns are persistent.

2. The sort feature is now a three way sort (normal, ascending, descending). Also selected items will remain selected when sorting.

3. Added the ability to choose which tabs to restore when recovering from a crash or when prompting for a session at start up. In the future the ability to choose tabs will be added to normal loads as well.

4. Added a requested "only saved encrypted" feature which will prevent any unencrypted data from being saved. I don't recommend enabling this as it will cause Session Manager to discard sessions if the session cannot be encrypted. For example, if you don't enter your master password when prompted, nothing will be saved.

5. Added separate tool tips to the toolbar buttons and drop down markers.

6. Groups will now display in alphabetical order at the top of the session list in the session manager menu.

7. Auto save sessions can now be set up to save periodically on their own, in addition to the current triggers listed on the documentation page.

8. When displaying the session list, if a session is determined to be corrupt it will be moved to a "Corrupt_Sessions" folder inside the sessions folder.

9. Clicking the middle mouse button on the save session button will once again save the window, instead of the session. This broke at some point, but is working again. This only works if more than one browser window is open, otherwise it just saves the session (one window).

Version 197.0 KiB Works with Firefox 2.0 - 3.6a1pre

Fixed 2 bugs in the release:

1. Attempting to replace a session, by using the menu item displayed when right clicking on a session, would generate an "aGroup is not defined" error. Bug 20363

2. The tabs field in the session prompt windows would truncate for sessions with more than 99 tabs if the scroll bar was visible. Bug 20361