Search Tools
3,775 add-ons - a job search engine for Twitter by Marcin Rosinski
2 weekly downloads
The world's first job search engine to harness the power of Twitter. local search by emad_yb
2 weekly downloads - is a Candian local search and Internet yellowpages (iyp). You can see business reviews, hours of operation, maps, directions, menus, and a host of other information of any business in Canada.
Wikipedia-roll (search add-on) by ekkans
2 weekly downloads
Wikipedia-roll is a global and dynamic version of articles from Wikipedia.
E-Can delivery tracking by Irvin
2 weekly downloads
Package delivery tracking of "E-Can" from Taiwan Pelican Express Limited.
SitePoint Reference by Senthryl
2 weekly downloads
The web's most complete and up-to-date reference.
Sandals by shopflipflop
2 weekly downloads
Havaianas News and Havaianas Sandals Deals. Includes new models, colors, and free give aways every day.
Everyday this website offer up to 10 free entire orders. (No Limit in value)
Randomly picked each night.
Goofram Search by Wolph
2 weekly downloads
Display Google and Wolfram Alpha search results side-by-side. - RU by jobtweet
2 weekly downloads - Twitter Job Searchengine (russian version)
Gatherer by boneangel
2 weekly downloads
Simple frontend for the Gatherer - the database of all Magic the Gathering cards.
RDF Book Mashup by Alex Stolz
2 weekly downloads
This simple add-on aims at providing a simple access to the RDF book mashup by Chris Bizer and Richard Cyganiak from "Freie Universität Berlin", enhanced by the GoodRelations ontology developed by Martin Hepp from the Bundeswehr University of Munich.
BitCoca search torrents by koula.koula
2 weekly downloads offers free torrents, no registration required.Bitcoca is a clean bittorrent source.
Compare Hotel Rates by Hedaya
2 weekly downloads
Search the top travel and hotel reservation web sites simultaneously to find the lowest hotel rate instantly and compare them side by side.
How to use it?
Simply type a City Name (not a country name) in the search box and hit enter. that's it
Additional Resources
- Learn more about the search bar in SeaMonkey
- Browse through even more search providers at
- Make your own search tool
To create your own collections, you must have a Mozilla Add-ons account.