Reviews for SmartTemplates
82 reviews for this add-on
Rated 4 out of 5 stars
Since today I realized that it is not possible to answer at emails with attachment. The reply-header appears for a second, than the message-window and the "to:"-line are empty.
Thank you for fixing this Problem nearly.
Good work!
Unfortunately the review system doesn't allow me to help since I can only reply once. I have had other users report a similar issue and we corrected it by changing some system settings. Please send me an email so I can assist you. (There is a support link listed on the add-on page.)
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
I have a zh-TW locale language :)
Good custom HTML template.
thank you for your review and your 5 stars!
Please contact me if you like to translate ST4 from en-US into your language (zh-TW) .. only if you like ;-).
I will send you the new locale en-US for translation, this we need for the next version of ST4 (new structure).
My Mail is smarttemplate4{at}gmx{dot}de or register an account on babelzilla for free and start the translation for your language.
Thank you!
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
For a long time, I've been searching for an extension that will allow me to set custom introductions in Usenet replies. SmartTemplate4 does exactly what I want, enabling me to insert any header information, and format it as desired. Now, instead of just: "On date, Author wrote", you can have it put just about anything you want. This is the first extension I've donated to. Thanks!
This review is for a previous version of the add-on (0.8.0).Thanks for your review and donation.
We are proud that you like our Addon.
Stay tuned we have a lot of Ideas but not enough time to include, in the future SmartTemplate4 will be splendid ;-).
One of the next Versions will be hopefully an really BIG surprise for many users.... current i will not more say :-)
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
A fantastic add-on that does just what it should - gives the writer the chance to modify the reply header. Thanks very much too for the great templates available on your site! I've made a contribution for this great time saver.
This review is for a previous version of the add-on (0.8.0).we are proud of that you enjoy our Addon and that you like to make a donation....thanks for!
Be curious about the next version ;-) I have spend up to 30 hours to make a lot of new (more modern programmed) and "more stylish", hope you will enjoy this new version too!
Rated 3 out of 5 stars
I had a little trouble with this addon using text replies. Developer worked with me diligently and found a workaround that works great. He is working on a permafix for this so be patient. GREAT ADDON
This review is for a previous version of the add-on (0.8.0).thanks for your review.
We are happy that you can now work with SmartTemplate4 ;-).
If you have any other problems or find an BUG please contact us via e Mail.
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Was very happy with SmartTemplate and was disappointed when updating to TB9 when I found it wasn't supported. Good news about SmartTemplate4 then!!
This addon almost totally covers my need for "outlook-style" quoting at my work. The only slight issue is that the TB quote-bars remain in the message - in a long thread this can start to look ugly as my replies mix with those who are actually using Outlook.
I've ended up making a small mod to the extension to remove these bars. I'm sending the code to the developer, so maybe it'll appear as an option in a future release :-)
thanks for your review and we are glad that you find ST4 helpful.
Your whish we will not add to change/remove the quote bars will not be an job from ST4 please use e.g. ReFwdFormatter.
Here is the answer to your e mail and review from tool8:
"I understand that a majority of our users are mostly interested in removing the default reply header that TB inserts and replacing it with an MS Outlook style header. However, the greater intent of SmartTemplate4 is to be a 'template' that is 'smart'. It is content that is automatically inserted for you upon new composition of a message (new, reply, or forward). Modifying any other part of the message is outside of ST4's job scope.
My suggestion is that you would use an add-on that addressees the express purpose that you need e.g. ReFwdFormatter."
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
SmartTemplate 4 is just what I was looking for. I have been using it for some time now and it has been working very well. However, recently (maybe due to a thunderbird update, but I'm not sure), I starting having trouble where if I try to reply to an email that has attachments, my reply template is NOT used, and thunderbird hangs until I kill it with task manager.
I looked for a support to ask for help, but the link to the support site did not have any place to report bugs or problems. I am hoping someone here can offer some help.
I added a support email address, thanks for pointing that out! One way to determine if ST4 is causing a problem is to disable it and restart Thunderbird.
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
I'd like to say- it truly a great add-on to make the user feel confortable when they just switched from Outlook.
This review is for a previous version of the add-on (0.7.8).thank you for your nice review!
We are happy that you have fun with SmartTemplate4 :-)
If you have further questions or need help, you know how you can contact us... ;-)
Rated 4 out of 5 stars
Damn good work. I wish it had better support for more advanced users (complex html templates).
For now I am almost satisfied with the Stationary addon and SmartTemplate4. Both lack the functionality of each other to be really powerfull.
Keep up the good work. Maybe some day I'll finally can use complex html templates and the power of variables :)
Thanks for your review.
What do you mean with "complex" html templates?
You can work with SmartTemplate4 really comfortable and creative!
If you have further questions or you need help, feel free to contact us via e Mail.
Our Addresses you can find in the Add-on description.
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
The only reason why I moved from Seamonkey to Thunderbird is this excellent extension! I so missed this functionality in Seamonkey (Bug 218258)... Thank you very much.
Edit: bugs/suggestions reported directly to the developer.
Thank you for the feedback. I am asking everyone to send bugs or other suggestions by emailing me. I only get 1 chance to respond to reviews and that is rarely enough to fix a problem. I would like to help with your concerns but I will need much more information and the review system doesn't allow us to dialog back and forth.
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
This is an awesome extension for Thunderbird. It's a must-have if you use Thunderbird at work and you want your replies to look just like Outlook's reply format.
I do have one issue, however, with version 0.7.7. When I reply to a message, it adds a couple of blank lines above my reply. Worse yet, when I manually delete those blank lines, it removes the formatting from the first line of my reply text. For example, I have the first line of my reply text in blue, but after I delete the blank lines above it, my text turns black. I have reverted to version 0.7.6 and I don't experience the issue with the older version. (I'm running Thunderbird 7.0.1 on Linux.)
Yes, we automatically added two lines in version 0.7.7 to help new users and simplify making a template. Several users who use smarttemplate4 in a more advanced fashion are experiencing problems with this feature. This has been removed in version 0.7.8. New users should be aware that if you need some space to type your reply in, simply add some line-breaks to the top of your template!
<br><br>Thank you for the feedback.
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Some weeks I had trouble with the compatibility of smart template with the new version of thunderbird.
Thanks for the new version 4, it has automatically imported the old data and all works very fine.
thanks for your review.
The reason that your old settings can be imported is that Smart Template 4 is exactly the same like the original Smart Template but with the differences that we have a lot of fixes made and we have an active development ;-)
Thanks to gaby_hy for Smart Template with this Base we work now!
Rated 4 out of 5 stars
I love the room left for the users to customize/tweak---and it also works out of the box!
What further could one ask for?
[--- Ka'iulani ---]
thanks for your review. we are happy that you have fun with smart template 4 ;-)
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Excellent! I looked for this one. Very easy for customization. Good Add-on! Mahalo.
This review is for a previous version of the add-on (0.7.5).thanks for your review
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Thank you.
Excellent addon.
It works OK on my Fedora 15 64bit and thunderbird 6.0.2
Thank you again for providing such a great addon.
thanks for your review!
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Ein Must-have-addon !
aber leider funktioniert die variable %datelocal% beim verfassen einer neuen nachricht nicht. beim antworten funktionierts ohne probleme....
; the variable %datelocal% dont works when i write a new message.
Thank you for reporting this. %datelocal% seems to no longer be working for new or forward messages. I will look into this and get an update out as soon as possible.
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
It works fine on my windows xp and thunderbird 6.0!!!
This review is for a previous version of the add-on (0.7.4).thanks for your review. Great that our Addon works fine for you.
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Excellent addons. Thanks to editor for creating this addon. Only thing I was looking for is, when forwarding, if I can insert the text from template bellow the massage contain, instead above.
Thank you again for providing such a great addon.
thanks for your review. Please check your Thunderbird Mailaccount settings "compose and addressing" (hope that's right translated i have only the german version) and choose your favorite setting with the pulldown menu.
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Was always a fan of SmartTemplate. Glad to see someone picked up development on it.
Only thing missing from this add-on now is a %cursor% tag, or similar, to allow me to control the initial position of the caret so I don't have to move down past the "Hi %from(firstname)%," line in my template every time I reply to an email.
thanks for your review. When we can find an solution we will change it to solve the issue
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
This add-on does exactly what it is supposed to - change the reply header. What makes it better than others is the possibility to change the reply per E-Mail account on a separate basis and to also change the forwarding header. On top of all of that, this add-on was the only one I could find that on this date was already prepared for Thunderbird 6. All other add-ons that I knew of that did similar functions, were not 6.0 ready yet.
And to the developer: Also, weitermachen und viel Glück bei der Weiterentwicklung, ich war begeistert.
thanks for your review. We are happy that you have fun with our Addon!
Danke schön für deine Bewertung. Es freut uns, daß dir unser Addon gefällt!
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