Kashubian Spell Checker (Poland) Version History

4 versions

Be careful with old versions!

These versions are displayed for reference and testing purposes. You should always use the latest version of an add-on.

Version 0.9 1.7 MiB

The key difference between version 0.8 and 0.9 is the size of the dictionary (580K terms) and some spelling revisions (ongoing). As the community support for this add-on continues, new versions will be published. Because the use of the Kashubian character 'ë' in the dictionary's name causes problems, I have named it 'Kaszebsczi' which is descriptive enough for both, the Polish and Kashubian language users.

Nôwôżniészą różnicą midzy wersją 0.8 a 0.9 je wiôlgòsc słowôrza (580tës. słowów) i zmianë w pisënkù (robòta na tim bãdze dali derowac). Z pòmòcą kaszëbsczégò strzodowiska, nowé wersje werifikatora bãdą ùprzistãpniwóné. Jô mùszôł słowôrzk nazwac "Kaszebsczi", kò ùżëcy lëterë 'ë' w mionie lopka mô lëchi cësk na jegò fùnkcjonalnotã. Móm wiarã, że taczé miono je zrozmiałi dlô pòlskò i kaszëbskò-jãzëcznëch brëkòwników.

Version 0.8 676.0 KiB

This version features over 217k of terms. The .aff file is still in development.

Version 0.7 527.0 KiB

In this version, the dictionary contains over 161k of terms. The aff file is just a place holder and still requires development. Because the Kashubian language designator (csb) cannot be successfully pulled at this time, the dictionary name will be used instead.