Shopping & E-Commerce
660 add-ons
by Kati Wood
1 weekly download
Search eBay Canada directly from your search bar with search suggestions.
by ricky he
0 weekly downloads
Accurate purchasing search engine.
The Marketplace by Search Engine
by modelNO.10024
0 weekly downloads
An unofficial search engine for The Marketplace by - currently supports only basic functions.
ETP SRL - Búsqueda de Libros por Título
by Arthur Berendsen
0 weekly downloads
Búsqueda de libros por título dentro de ETP SRL
ETP SRL - Búsqueda de Libros por Autor
by Arthur Berendsen
0 weekly downloads
Búsqueda de libros por autor dentro de ETP SRL
0 weekly downloads
Votre shopping au meilleur prix en installant le moteur de recherche sur votre navigateur Firefox. Plus de 160 millions d’offres et plus de 76 000 marchands disponibles !
by gamekeys
0 weekly downloads bieten einen Preisvergleich für Game Keys aktueller Games.
Get the most preferred game keys at cheap price on
by Sitatech Technologies
0 weekly downloads
Plugin de recherche personnalisée dédié aux adeptes du deux, trois et quatre roues ! Recherchez parmi des milliers de produites sélectionnés par le site E-commerce, qui vous protègerons et embellirons votre monture.
by genscript
0 weekly downloads
This is an officially supported GenScript Search Add-on, provided by GenScript. The GenScript Search Add-on can enable you get access to comprehensive biology services, products, and useful bioinformatics tools much more easily and conveniently.
by Sitatech Technologies
0 weekly downloads
Spécialiste casques moto, casques scooter, équipement moto – vêtements moto, protections, sportswear – équipement cross et accessoires moto. Plus de 80 marques et des milliers de produits en stock.
by vard
0 weekly downloads
Onlineshop fuer Hygiene- und Reinigungsmittel. Preiswert Sicher Schnell
Amazon France (France)
by ter50
0 weekly downloads
Amazon France search plugin. Searches on the French Amazon website.
Amazon (,com,de,ca,fr,..) + Searchsuggestions
by net2go
0 weekly downloads
Amazon book and other bookstore search. Searches through British, French,Italian, Spanish, US, Canadian and German amazon store and other bookstores with one click.
Amazon com
by ter50
0 weekly downloads
Amazon com search plugin. Searches on the US Amazon website.
This add-on takes part in the store affiliation programme.
by bierintus
0 weekly downloads
Produktsuche Such-Plugin für - Der Shop für Gadgets, Geschenke, Geschenk-Ideen, Tassen, T-Shirts, Open-Source und Bücher. Geek!
Additional Resources
- Learn more about the search bar in Firefox
- Browse through even more search providers at
- Make your own search tool
To create your own collections, you must have a Mozilla Add-ons account.