Reviews for CardBook
485 reviews for this add-on
Rated 4 out of 5 stars
Comme toujours, on se demande pourquoi les extensions de ce genre ne sont pas intégrées par défaut ! Tout simplement indispensable, mais incompatible avec les version après la 60.
This review is for a previous version of the add-on (34.7).Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Amazing tech support and great add-on. I am back on Thunderbird. I tried Windows Mail. What a pain.
Very good but I cant do this. Please help me. I cant use it without this function. I tried to set up but not working for me. Thank you.
I cant find this:
in CardBook preferences, email tab, you may collect the outgoing email addresses into CardBook
Hey, how i can set cardbook addon default in thunderbird ?
I sync my addressbook ( radicale server ) with cardbook - All working. But if i write new email, then thunderbird save my new email address old addressbook, not in cardbook..? I hope you understand my problem :)
Ta ocena je za prejšnjo različico dodatka (30.5). Prijavi to oceno
Philippe Vigneau (Razvijalec) dne Avg. 28, 2018 · povezava
in CardBook preferences, email tab, you may collect the outgoing email addresses into CardBook (the email collection into Thunderbird standard address books will also still happen)... then in CardBook preferences, general tab, you may check the option "CardBook as unique source for contacts"
may you contact me at ?
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Using this with, works perfectly! Thank you for the great quality!
This review is for a previous version of the add-on (33.6).Rated 4 out of 5 stars
Extremely helpful add-on to manage contacts and to sync them via carddav. My critics is with the date format. As end user it's completely irrelevant for me in which format dates are saved internally. But to display and edit dates I want to have a format, which corresponds to the locale/region, like "DD.MM.YYYY". The required format "YYYYMMDD" to enter birthdates is suboptimal - kindly expresed.
This review is for a previous version of the add-on (33.4).Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Dear developer,
I love your AddOn it covers so much of missing development on Thunderbird!
But I think a found a serious BUG. When I drag and drop a category on the left side just under the dynamic address book search "all contacts" to another position within "all contacts" the category gets deleted together with the whole contacts.
Same happens, when I drap and drop a category from my addressbook to "all contacts", the use case obviously wouldn't make sense, but shouldn't end in such a destructive behaviour.
Thanks for reading.
thanks a lot, this will be solved in next version (in instance of approbation) by disabling the possibility to drag and drop to a virtual address book's category
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Utilisé avec nextcloud, me rend bien service.
This review is for a previous version of the add-on (33.4).Rated 4 out of 5 stars
UPDATE: Philippe has been great about fixing things, and has fixed the data loss in the new Beta version, near as I can tell. Since CardBook is going to be a very good add-on, I'm changing my Rating for it.
And yes, I will contact the author about it as soon as I post this here.
CardBook is a potentially good addon, with (so far) a pretty serious data error in the concatenated (lumped together) Email and URL fields. This bug DELETES data from Email (No Type) and URL (No Type) - and possibly from the other URL fields - and stores the deleted data ONLY in the concatenated field. It does not put the deleted email addrs and urls back in their original fields when exporting. They are trapped in the CardBook concatenated fields and would have to be copied out manually one at a time to export them or back them up into another format. If you can even figure out which email addrs and urls are the deleted ones.
The Name fields are also concatenated - but in this case it's only for display purposes, no data is deleted, and all the data exports just fine. The author very probably intended the Email and URL fields to work the same as the Name fields. I.e., without any data loss.
A program that deletes your data should not be used, so I'm sure the author will fix this issue ASAP.
this issue happening when importing csv files, will be solved in next version
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Ausgezeichnetes Add-on zur Adressverwaltung in Thunderbird. CardBook synchronisiert sich ohne PProbleme mit einer Nextcloud / Owncloud Installation, so dass Adressen auf verschiedensten Gerätren verfügbar sind (Für Android empfehle ich die App DAVDroid). Es sind viele Felder vorhanden, Geburtstage werden von Lightning übernommen. Verbesserungsfähig ist die Listen-Verwaltung. Um eine Mail-Liste zu erstellen muss man die zugehörigen Kontakte einzeln in einem extra Fenster in die Liste ziehen. Es wäre besser, wenn man z.B. per Kontextmenu im Hauptfenster die Kontakte einer Liste zuordnen könnte. Etwas verwirrend ist das Datumsformat für Geburtstage.
This review is for a previous version of the add-on (33.2).Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Merci beaucoup Philippe pour cette extension indispensable qui fait de Thunderbird un outil complet (je l'utilise professionellement et personellement de façon très satisfaisante combiné à un serveur Nextcloud pour la synchronisation des contacts et des agendas).
Pour info, il y a une demande pour demander son intégration nativement dans Thunderbird (comme on l'a fait pour Lightning). Le vote c'est ici :
Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Must-have addon for proper CardDAV support and integration. Thank you very much for your work!
This review is for a previous version of the add-on (33.0).Rated 5 out of 5 stars
This add-on has been very reliable with my carddav server, and has steadily improved -- my gratitude to M. Vigneau for such a huge commitment.
This review is for a previous version of the add-on (33.0).Rated 4 out of 5 stars
Addon works nice now for computer with little screens.
We got contact with dev, and now it's fixed, nice ! Really thx to him.
Thx for your work.
Rated 3 out of 5 stars
Grundsätzlich sehr brauchbar, bis jetzt.
3 Punkte die mich stören:
1. Seit Version 32.6 kann ich kein Adressbuch mehr anlegen, auch die vorläufige Version 32.7 bringt keine Abhilfe. Ich habe also wieder auch 32.5 "down gegraded".
2. Ich benutze cardbook auf 2 verschiedenen Rechnern, mit der Schnittstelle zu einem Synology NAS. Auf beiden Rechnern sind die Anordnung und Anzahl der Eingabefelder unterschiedlich, trotz der gleichen Version 32.5
3. Es gibt ein paar Datensätze, die sich nicht mehr synchronisieren lassen (code 403). Mir ist noch nicht ersichtlich warum nicht. Ich habe keine gemeinsamen Merkmale dieser Datensätze zu anderen Daten gefunden.
1/ ooh stupid me : 32.7 (in instance of approbation) will correct this bug
2/ 3/ you surely do not have the same address book version... create address books with the same version (3.0) on your two computers and this should solve this issue
Rated 2 out of 5 stars
Ich hatte CardBook in TB 60.3.0 (32-bit) auf einem Win10-Rechner installiert, und seit kurzem wurden jedesmal die Mails, deren Adresse ich in CardBook übernehmen wollte, mit dem Klick auf ›OK‹ komplett entfernet. Sie landeten also auch nicht im Papierkorb, sondern waren nirgendwo mehr auffindbar. Das war selbstverständlich nicht akzeptabel, weshalb ich das ansonsten sehr nützliche Add-on entfernt habe.
This review is for a previous version of the add-on (32.5).Rated 3 out of 5 stars
Its good that someone writes something to use with CardDAV, but its far away from useful. Its a completely new IDE, when we just needed a interface. please do not rewrite the address-book of Thunderbird. Do just the Interface to CardDAV.
This review is for a previous version of the add-on (32.5).Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Excellent addon, connects well with my Nextcloud accounts, and super fast support from Philippe when a thunderbird configuration item was blocking Lightning and CardBook. I recommend highly!
This review is for a previous version of the add-on (32.3).Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Excellent !!! Je n'aurais jamais imaginé que le problème pouvait être induit par l’absence de la barre de recherche...
This review is for a previous version of the add-on (32.1). This user has 2 previous reviews of this add-on.Rated 5 out of 5 stars
Excellent. Mériterait d'être intégré à Thunderbird tout comme Lightning l'a été.
Excellent. It deserves to be integrated to Thunderbird just like Lightning.
Rated 3 out of 5 stars
It's very good while running on Thunderbird below V60. Here the sync with a synology works without problems.
After Tunderbird V60 it's broken. Checking the carddav-server fails whther you do it with https://IP:Port or https://IP:Port/addressbooks/users/$USER/addressbook or https://IP:Port/addressbooks/users/$USER/addressbook/. The tip to set the cookie variable from true to false also doesn't work here.
may you contact me by email (cardbook.thunderbird@gmail .com)
Rated 4 out of 5 stars
Tambien he comprobado que si creo una Categoria de contactos en Cardbook con mi cuenta de Yahoo, si la sincroniza con Yahoo pero como una lista de contactos.
This review is for a previous version of the add-on (31.1). This user has 20 previous reviews of this! bug.... :(
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