Search Tools
3,775 add-ons
Relayo by Nick Rodriguez
0 weekly downloads
Relayo allows you to find and connect with an expert instantly.
For more information check out
This add-on will add a new search engine in the search bar.
einfach-punkten by michael_eckel
0 weekly downloads vergleicht und durchsucht 29 Empfehlungs-Dienstleister, Cashback-Anbieter, Bonuspunktesysteme und Gutscheinportale mit über 57.000 Partnershop-Angeboten.
Search SEP by tuco94
0 weekly downloads
Search the Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy from your search bar.
NovelUpdates' Series Search by Ral
0 weekly downloads
Searches for novels on website
LivingxWorld - Company Business directories by M. Alexon Balangue
0 weekly downloads - Living somewhere where you are located in the world of a unique community at your disposal with our site of good knowledge and new sociable meeting to your services ...
百度翻译 translate to vie by fy_iceworld
0 weekly downloads
将 百度翻译 添加到 搜索引擎列表
百度翻译-任意语言 翻译为 越南语
建议同时安装一个右键菜单查询插件,比如 Context Search
Add Baidu Translate to the search engine list
It could translate most kind of language to Vietnamese
Recommend installing a right click addon as well, like the Context Search
百度翻译 translate to spa by fy_iceworld
0 weekly downloads
将 百度翻译 添加到 搜索引擎列表
百度翻译-任意语言 翻译为 西班牙语
建议同时安装一个右键菜单查询插件,比如 Context Search
Add Baidu Translate to the search engine list
It could translate most kind of language to Spanish
Recommend installing a right click addon as well, like the Context Search
百度翻译 translate to prt by fy_iceworld
0 weekly downloads
将 百度翻译 添加到 搜索引擎列表
百度翻译-任意语言 翻译为 葡萄牙语
建议同时安装一个右键菜单查询插件,比如 Context Search
Add Baidu Translate to the search engine list
It could translate most kind of language to Portugese
Recommend installing a right click addon as well, like the Context Search
百度翻译 translate to tha by fy_iceworld
0 weekly downloads
将 百度翻译 添加到 搜索引擎列表
百度翻译 - 任意语言 翻译为 泰语
建议同时安装一个右键菜单查询插件,比如 Context Search
Add Baidu Translate to the search engine list
It could translate most kind of language to Thai
Recommend installing a right click addon as well, like the Context Search
百度翻译 translate to ita by fy_iceworld
0 weekly downloads
将 百度翻译 添加到 搜索引擎列表
百度翻译 - 任意语言 翻译为 意大利语
建议同时安装一个右键菜单查询插件,比如 Context Search
Add Baidu Translate to the search engine list
It could translate most kind of language to Italian
Recommend installing a right click addon as well, like the Context Search
biolento (es) by
0 weekly downloads
biolento - un mundo de posibilidades
Tagalog Dictionary Search by Koala Yeung
0 weekly downloads
Searching a Tagalog term in
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