Search Tools
3,775 add-ons
Wyszukiwarka osób zarejestrowanych na portalu
by dfgg12
0 weekly downloads
This search addon gives ability to search registered people on social community.
IMPORTANT! You must be logged to before you will be able to search.
Hyves person searcher
by ronny0
0 weekly downloads
With this search plugin you could search persons on hyves.
YellowBot Local Search
by emad_yb
0 weekly downloads
YellowBot - is a US local search and Internet yellowpages (iyp). You can see business reviews, hours of operation, maps, directions, menus, and a host of other information.
BuscoPT - A Melhor forma de encontrar !
by Bruno Nascimento
0 weekly downloads
motor de busca português, muito simples e funcional Search Films
by vladget
0 weekly downloads
Search for Short Independent films at The Premiere Online Platform for Film Makers
Buscador de Empresas - Directorio de los Altos
by cassuma
0 weekly downloads
Directorio de los Altos - is a search engine for businesses and establishments much richer than any yellow pages, giving you the ability to review the catalogs of the products and services that companies offer
Such Such
by suchsuch
0 weekly downloads
Such Such ist einerseits als universelle Suchmaschine und andererseits als Filter zwischen Suchenden und Wissenden. Dazu werden Such– und Communitytechnologien in innovativer Weise miteinander kombiniert und ständig erweitert. Mit Such Such finden!
0 weekly downloads
Search The Amateur Radio (ham radio), Shortwave radio listening, Radio Scanning and CB Radio links directory.
QuoteBucket - Search for IRC Quotes.
by EcKstasy
0 weekly downloads
QuoteBucket is an IRC quote database, but it doesn't contain just IRC quotes. It also has quotes from AIM, MSN, ICQ, Yahoo! and more. When you add QB to your list of search engines, you're able to search for user submitted quotes.
MEK - subject keyword
by Geezmo
0 weekly downloads
Search by subject keywords in the Hungarian Electronic Library.
Synomix - słownik synonimów
by Piotr Curyło
0 weekly downloads
Wtyczki instalują się w pasku wyszukiwania. Po zainstalowaniu wtyczki możliwe jest wybranie z listy konkretnego serwisu, a następnie wyszukiwanie w nim bezpośrednio z paska wyszukiwania.
HexoSearch Search Engine Plugin
by HexoSearch
0 weekly downloads
The World's First Search Engine Dedicated to Flash/Actionscript. Search for solutions, tutorials and information related to Flash, Actionscript and Flex. Check user voted result to save your time!
Additional Resources
- Learn more about the search bar in Firefox
- Browse through even more search providers at
- Make your own search tool
To create your own collections, you must have a Mozilla Add-ons account.